Sunday, June 14, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 16 (Final Episode)

Heart to Heart
Episode 16
Final Episode

Yi Seok and Grandpa Go talk in his study. Grandpa Go tells how he found out it was Yi Seok’s dad fault a night he confessed drunk. Still, Yi Seok claims at him on why he blamed Hong Do when she reappeared. At this Grandpa Go just make lousy excuses and asks him to let it go. But Yi Seok can’t do it since they ruined Hong Do’s life twice already with the same lie.

Yi Seok goes to tell Hong Do the truth. He explains everything he learned that morning. She looks confused and kind of relieved to be honest, although it seems she still can’t believe what he is telling her. Then she asks Yi Seok to leave; she wants to be alone.

Yi Seok’s parents’ talk about how they knew and decided to forget and that they did it to ‘protect’ their children. It’s actually the first time I see them talking.

Hong Do, while holding a picture of her grandmother talks to her. She is relieved, but annoyed and mad at the whole situation. How could they do something like that to them? They even had to go in a police car to the police station. They were treated like criminals and condemned as such being innocent.

Back at the Go mansion Yi Seok tells his grandfather that he revealed all the truth to Hong Do. Still Grandpa Go doesn’t show repentance. He says we will do it all over again if it would save his son some pain. Grandpa Go says it was difficult for him too but that he did the right thing.

Hong Do is feeling more wronged the more she thinks about it. She calls Yi Seok and tells him how she is not able to eat or sleep or do anything else. He starts talking to her to make her sleep. He tells her that he started liking her from the time she cried in front of him asking her to cure her. Was that the second chapter? He also confides in her that she is the first girl he was able to sleep an entire night with. Hong Do just keeps listening and it seems to work since she is finally able to sleep.

Se Ro finds the truth of what happened in her family and immediately went to see Jang Doo Soo. She finds solace in just being with him. She tells him that’s one of the reasons she must leave, because her legs keep going his way.

Hong Do meets Yi Seok’s mom again. I’m sorry but if is someone I don’t want to see, I won’t see them no matter who they are! Rich people! Yi Seok’s mom sort of asks her for forgiveness and apologizes. At least Hong Do is saying what she feels and thinks. In the end Yi Seok’s mom asks her to stay with Yi Seok and take care of him but Hong Do takes it as sort of an insult because of the way this lady treated her before. She feels she doesn’t owe anything to her. And is true.

Detective Yang and Doo Soo are waiting for another criminal and Doo Soo asks him how should he know when to catch the girl and not let her go. Doo Soo uses a scale of 1 to 12. Detective Yang tells him that around 5. But then he just says if you miss her go catch her! Doo Soo looks pleased with this answer.

Yi Seok’s mom is looking for her passport for reasons we still don’t know. She talks to Se Ro and asks her if she hates her too. Se Ro doesn’t answer this but do thank her for giving birth to her and allowing her to live. Se Ro also tells her mom that they just want her to get rid of Il Suk and live her own life.

Hong Do goes to Yi Seok’s apartment and starts yelling at him on how nothing was fair and how her grandmother thought Hong Do was guilty and they lived like criminals. She yells at him that she will go to Grandpa Go and ask him why he did that. 

Yi Seok tries to stop her so she can calm down and she starts saying, “Let me go, I’m going to ask him”. That’s all right Hong Do, but why did you go to Yi Seok if what you really wanted was ask Grandpa Go? Jeez -_-

Grandpa Go’s assistant catches Yi Seok’s dad trying to escape and he basically calls him coward and tells him to clean up his mess before disappearing again. Je je.

Hong Do goes to see Grandpa Go. Don’t worry, its just Hong Do, not the Grimm Reaper.

Why is she wearing so many layers of clothes? Sorry, sorry, back to the story…

Grandpa Go starts by accepting his wrongdoings and apologizing but Hong Do asks him to stop since he doesn’t sound sincere. She tells him that she will confidently date Yi Seok now and that she will protect him from now on. Hong Do tells Grandpa Go that he lost her grandson to her.

Hong Do then returns to Yi Seok’s place and tells him that she will love him for a long time so they completely make up and make out.

Se Ro says goodbye to Yi Seok at the Go mansion and hopes for things to get better.

Meanwhile Doo Soo is at the police station still pondering whether to catch her or not. In the end he runs out to get the girl.

Se Ro is definitely waiting for him!

He arrives at the airport but luckily and also because it’s a drama, her flight is delayed. He eventually finds her and tells her that he doesn’t know exactly what he is feeling but he wants to give it a try.

Well she will definitely be the boss of him.

She tells Doo Soo to call her, write to her and think about her everyday. She also thanks him for coming to the airport.

Se Ro boards her plain either way. She is still wondering whether she should get down or not when her mom arrives. She is ‘going to see her friend’ in the States and her seat is just next to Se Ro’s who looks kind of pissed.

Grandpa Go and Mrs. Hwang the Housekeeper keep bickering like an old married couple and after Madame Hwang pushes the library stair with Grandpa Go on it, is like he is looking at her with new eyes. Could his heart be changing towards her? I think she won’t accept him now anyway. Jajaja

Hong Do got a job working for a kind of crazy guy who might as well be flirting with her. The job is at the bakery by the way. Well, now she can dump Yi Seok and be with the crazy bread man.

Hong Do tells all about it to Yi Seok and he acts as if he’s all jealous because of her new boss but really he is proud of her.

I thought they were going to forget about this.

They talk and drag about how must they not fit with each other since they don’t have things in common but it seems Mr. Ahn is determined to make them a good match. Since Dr. Uhm said she doesn’t like to walk he takes her in his arms and carries her. :D

Doo Soo gets a package from Se Ro, who is in America. May I point out that US Postal Service boxes do not look like that.

She sends him a bunch of picture she took when he was unconscious in the hospital. To a sick person, really.

Still, it’s really sweet of her and Doo Soo loves it!

Hong Do and Yi Seok are really happy together. They might be the happiest they have ever been.

As it seems a lot of time has gone by and Se Ro is back. Doo Soo finally holds her tight and tells her he missed her. They look really happy.

Finally Hong Do takes her last test, walking thru a crowded street. Only she is not alone, she is walking hand in hand with Yi Seok who has guided her thru the process of taking her life back.

This is the end of the drama. Everyone had a happy ever after, after all. I am particularly happy for Se Ro and Doo Soo since I really like their characters from the start. Also, Doo Soo having Se Ro made me not suffer so much for him towards the end. I still think it will be awkward for all of them later on in family meetings. To me, Yi Seok’s mom forgave Yi Seok’s dad too easily. He killed their son after all. She went all crazy at Hong Do but didn’t even shout at her husband.

I kind of see how Hong Do became attached to Yi Seok since he was her first lot of things and feeling comfortable with him must have played a big part also. Still, she forgot about Doo Soo too fast. And it still doesn’t make sense to me how Yi Seok fell for Hong Do. Sorry, it just doesn’t make sense. I will praise the drama on how everything fit its pace. They did went round a few things and kind of left some in the air but the problem came at the right time and was solved at the right time, not leaving it to be magically fixed a few minutes before the drama was over. In conclusion, it wasn’t the best of dramas. I would have honestly just watched a cut version of Se Ro’s and Doo Soo’s story. That was much more fun. 

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