Sunday, June 7, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 13

Heart To Heart

Episode 13

As we start this new chapter we go back to the time when they were all kids. It’s a continuation of last episode prologue. This time we see as Yi Seok and his twin Il Seok go into a little storage room to hide. Il Seok who is the bossy one, chooses to hide inside a big metal barrel and tells (not asking) Yi Seok that he’ll have that place and to put the lid on him. Yi Seok does so, a bit mad because he lost a good hiding place and takes extra care into sealing the lid and putting something heavy on top of it. He goes out and sits down to read as we see how the fire starts spreading without any of the kids noticing.

Back to the future… Yi Seok has barged into Hong Do’s house and is all over the place. Is the first time Hong Do has a visitor and she is worried of how Grandpa Go would react, so she keeps telling Yi Seok to leave but he doesn’t want to.

Back at the mansion Grandpa Go confirms that Yi Seok went to Hong Do’s house. He wants to keep the whole story buried and his solution is to send Hong Do abroad. -_- To a sick person, really? His assistant tries to persuade him otherwise but Grandpa Go would hear no reasons.

Yi Seok pretends to be tired and plants himself in Hong Do’s bed. She doesn’t want to share but he carries her to the bed and hugs her. He tells her he loves her and once more Hong Do just remains silent.

The next morning Yi Seok is taking down all the locks Hong Do had on her door. She said it was to keep thieves out, but he said it was to keep her out of the world. She gets a phone call from Yi Seok’s mom. She wants to meet Hong Do and asks her not to tell Yi Seok. I bet she will ask her to leave as well and she’ll probably have a fit or something.

Hong Do meets Yi Seok’s mom and she goes directly to the point. She asks her if having one of her sons wasn’t enough. She accuses her directly of killing Il Seok.

Hong Do doesn’t really knows what she is talking about but when she arrives at her house she starts going thru her grandmother things and finds some papers and some (a lot) of pictures of precisely that moment in her childhood. That’s when she starts having flashes of those memories. I mean, you would think that the grandma would burn those pictures if she wanted to burry that moment and they were in a random drawer. By the way Hong Do wasn’t very red. She should be going backwards right now and be redder than ever before.

Grandpa Go scolds Yi Seok’s mom for telling Hong Do about the incident. Now, Yi Seok will find out too and they don’t want that.

Go Se Ro has landed another part. This time as a schoolgirl but she is not doing very well. By the way, she is working with the same people. Are they the only ones filming stuff?

Se Ro is feeling down after ruining her part today and goes to see Jang Doo Soo. She asks him to buy her some coffee from the machine at the police station and he complies without complaints. She tells him all that has happened and that she only has him to talk to now. She asks for a drink but he is working so they can't.  

Yi Seok goes to see his mom. She has shown signs of hysteria and is asking for him. Grandpa Go’s assistant also warns him that they want to send Cha Hon Go out of the country. Yi Seok’s mom asks Yi Seok to not leave his side. And ends up telling him that she saw Hong Do today and that she hates her. Yi Seok looks confused right now. It’s obvious since he doesn’t know why his mom is saying those things.

Hong Do is having a difficult time, memories keep popping back but she still isn’t sure and can’t believe she did that. Her phone keeps ringing but she isn’t answering. She looks redder now.

Yi Seok can’t get a hold of Hong Do. He is still by his mom’s side and when he is about to leave, she tells her that if he goes she will die. Since she is an unstable person, he stays with her.

At the end of his shift Doo Soo takes Se Ro home. She is talking non-stop about herself and her life in the States. He is listening. She doesn’t have any friends in Korea but tells him she won’t accept him as a friend. When they arrived she tells him she will continue talking about herself next time and takes a jacket of his that she was using to cover her legs. He is falling for her. Awww!!

Madame Hwang, the housekeeper, goes back to work at the Go mansion because Yi Seok asked her to. But even thou she is working there; she has decided she will say everything she wants and starts bickering immediately with Grandpa Go. Ah, Love!

Doo Soo was wandering about Hong Do’s place for no reason when he over heard Hong Do’s landlord talking about how she didn’t see her anymore. Doo Soo gets worried and keeps calling her but she doesn’t answer. He goes to her place and brings down a door finding her unconscious. He picks her up and goes out. That was pretty impressive of him. Sorry I’m still a bit biased.

Yi Seok goes looking for Hong Do and finds the broken door. When he goes in, he can’t find her so he thinks his family sent her away.

Doo Soo takes Hong Do to the hospital. She is suffering from exhaustion but looks like she’s in shock. She is not answering Doo Soo’s questions until he says he is gonna call Yi Seok. She snaps out of it and asks him not to, she confesses to him that she killed Yi Seok’s brother.

Yi Seok is at the mansion. He wants to know what they did with Cha Hong Do. His mom tries to stop him again by threatening her life (again). This is when Yi Seok snaps, she always does that and he is tired of it. His Grandpa comes out and shouts at him but Yi Seok just asks them to stop interfering with his life and leaves.

Hong Do is back at her place. Doo Soo offers to fix the door and Hong Do goes back to the pictures. She starts crying again and tells Doo Soo he can leave. He doesn’t think that’s a good idea and decides to take her out again.

They go to a frozen lake. Doo Soo tries to console her saying that she was too young and didn’t know better but Hong Do believes in her guilt. She tells him that she won’t be able to face Yi Seok and Doo Soo tells her to break up with him and use him as a reason but Hong Do just wants to disappear.

Yi Seok is in Hong Do’s house, just sitting there and trying to contact Hong Do but she is still not answering.  

Se Ro goes to the police station looking for Doo Soo but he is not there. She asks Detective Yang to contact him, but Doo Soo isn’t answering any phone calls.

Hong Do and Doo Soo arrive at her home. Yi Seok is sitting there and tells her that he forgives her for everything, although he still doesn’t know what it is. Doo Soo tells Yi Seok to go outside to talk, and that he and Hong Do spent the night together (he just said that no details). Yi Seok doesn’t believe him but Hong Do starts begging for forgiveness.

He still doesn’t know a thing but leaves without any real explanation from any side.

Doo Soo is investigating the fire from Hong Do’s childhood. He wants to know more.

Hong Do looks like she is packing her things, ready to disappear. At that instance Yi Seok arrives at her place ready to talk. He starts apologizing but she asks him not to. Instead she starts apologizing and asking him to go, not giving any answers. After trying to get something from her but only receiving ‘I’m sorry’ Yi Seok lets his imagination run and leaves.

Instead Yi Seok goes to Doo Soo’s house. Doo Soo tries to make him believe that he did slept with Hong Do, but Yi Seok assures him that he knows Hong Do and that he can also tell Doo Soo is lying. He wants the truth.

Hong Do is alone in her house. She wants to disappear and wishes her grandma would have told her about the incident so she wouldn’t have crossed the lives of the Go family.

Yi Seok’s mom arrives at Hong Do’s house. She is looking for Yi Seok. Hong Do just kneels still apologizing and Yi Seok’s mom starts to insult her. Yi Seok enters the house but no one notices.  – Hate when that happens -.

He hears his mom talking about Il Seok and asks them what’s going on. Yi Seok’s mom tells him is nothing and tries to take him away but Hong Do starts talking. She reveals her true name (Young Ji, before her grandmother change it legally). She reveals who her grandmother was and starts confessing. Before she can finish Yi Seok has caught up and is starting to cry and shout.

This is where it ends today. Next chapters are gonna be exhausting. He will not want to see her but then he will miss her too much and then she is gonna disappear and then he will come to terms about his part on his brother’s death. Then he will go looking for her. I bet that’s about what’s gonna happen. I still wish they would not end up together. Is not just because I still hate Yi Seok, it would just be different. I like those kinds of plot twists. I wonder if we are ever gonna know the reason why Hong Do got anthorophobia. I bet they are gonna forget all about that or just brush it off. It even might end up being something stupid or maybe related to the accident. I hope they explain.

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