Friday, June 12, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 15

Heart to Heart

Episode 15

As this chapter starts the whole truth is revealed. Yi Seok’s mom and dad were fighting and she was seeking refuge from him. She hid in the warehouse where Il Suk was also hiding. Yi Seok’s dad threatened her with burning her alive, only he actually dropped the lighter. When Yi Seok arrived screaming for his hyung it was too late as the flames were already consuming the whole place.

Some time has passed since Hong Do and Yi Seok’s breakup. He goes to work and back home, forcing himself to look normal. Hong Do finally gave back the money to the Go family as she met secretly with Grandpa Go’s assistant. Grandpa Go wants to know how Hong Do is doing so he sends his assistant to find out.

Hong Do is so depressed these days, that she doesn’t even cook the ramyun, she just eats it as it is. It seems that she also goes from her bed to eat and back. It also seems like she is going to move or being forced to move from her house.

Even Doo Soo has been there to leave some groceries but she doesn’t accept them and is pushing the world out once again. Grandpa Go’s assistant finds out that she only goes out at night as if she was sleep walking and comes back in frozen and dazed.

Se Ro has been working hard in her acting but she says she went back to Korean because she thought she could finally have her family but since nothing has worked out, she is thinking of moving back to the States.

Doo Soo goes back to Hong Do’s place at night but she hasn’t taken the groceries he left for her. He calls Yi Seok and invites him to have a drink. He shows him the picture of the lighter that started the fire but Yi Seok has no recollection of it. They talk a bit about Hong Do and that Doo Soo thinks he did the right thing and also the wrong thing.

Se Ro and Yi Seok have a brother/sister night together. They watch a movie and then talk for a while. She tells him that she will return to the States and that she will give up on acting to study. He will respect her decision but asks her to think about studying in Korea rather than leaving. Oh, and she is in the process of stop liking Doo Soo. -_-

Apparently Hong Do goes out every night to the clinic where she knits a sweater for Yi Seok (it seems). She is going mad. Also, no one locks down that place, that’s like and invitation to burglars.

The next morning Yi Seok sits with his father and asks for forgiveness because Yi Seok had never thought of how his father felt, since he also lost a child. But when Yi Seok leaves his dad shows repentance and says to the wind “Why should you ask for forgiveness?”

Hong Do left behind her thread cutter at Yi Seok’s office. He somehow connects it to her since he calls Grandpa Go’s assistant and asks about her.

Reality has slapped Hong Do in the face. Her food is running out. While she sit in the floor drinking from an egg and eating what looks like kimchi Se Ro appears at her house. From outside, she tells her she came to say goodbye since she is moving out of the country and leaves her a flowerpot as a gift. How sweet of Se Ro! Hong Do just listens, still drinking her egg.

Doo Soo is still looking for clues in the lighter picture. Detective Yang, who now has a girl friend, notices there’s a K in the lighter. Just then, Doo Soo gets a text from Se Ro who is waiting outside and he quickly gets up to meet her. He goes to her, even smiling. She tells him that she is leaving and his complexion changes immediately. She texted him her departure date, maybe she wants to see him one last time that day or she wants a big airport scene in which he stops her from leaving.

Yi Seok’s dad seems to want to reveal the truth. It might have come to be too big of a burden for him. But, Grandpa Go doesn’t want him to. He says it will only make it worst for Yi Seok and his mom.

At night, Hong Do goes out again as in a trance, she ends up in Yi Seok’s office. She hasn’t changed her clothes in weeks! Yi Seok is sitting in the dark office when Hong Do enters, he can’t believe his eyes and for a moment thinks she is ignoring him.

Then he notices she really is in a sort of trance. When morning comes she returns to her place. She is still in a daze and he is following her. She snaps out of it when she comes in front of a fire. She then runs home and secludes herself again.

When on her way to the clinic Dr. Uhm finds Yi Seok sitting at the steps of the office crying. He tells her how Hong Do, that used to like cooking, now is afraid of fire. He desperately asks her to save Hong Do.

Yi Seok returns home. He looks exhausted but Grandpa Go asks for him. When in his office, he collapses on the floor asking his grandfather to kill him since he can’t breath. Its as if he felt all the suffering everyone is going trough is his fault.

Se Ro hears what happened to Yi Seok and runs to Doo Soo. She wants him to take Hong Do to her brother. She thinks that if he keeps going on like that he will die. Doo Soo at first doesn’t want to, but then runs to help Se Ro.

Hong Do has decided she needs to snap out of it and starts cleaning a bit. She gets a phone call from Yi Seok but doesn’t answer.

Yi Seok decides to go to Hong Do’s place. He knocks on the door but she thinks she’s hallucinating and doesn’t open. He presses her password and comes in. She still hasn’t changed that?! When she notices it’s really him she goes into a mini attack. She starts shouting that they shouldn’t see each other and that he shouldn’t look at her. He just hugs her until she calms down. He then kisses her and tells her that he missed her. They just remained embraced to each other.

Se Ro notices Yi Seok’s car. She feels relieved and is about to get off from Doo Soo’s car to make her own way to her house but he buckles her seat belt again and tells her that he will take her home.

Se Ro talks a bit about how she worries over his brother but Doo Soo tells her that she has nothing to worry about. He pats her head and her heart flutters again. He tells her to rest and she falls asleep. When they arrive at the Go mansion, she is still sleeping so Doo Soo just waits sitting next to her.

Well, it seems she didn’t starve.

Hong Do looks confused as if she wasn’t sure Yi Seok is real. He tells her that he gives up. That they tried not seeing each other and breaking up but it didn’t work. So now they should move forward and affront this together.  

Se Ro wakes up and is already dark outside. She gets out of the car and so does Doo Soo. She extends her hand to shake his. She thanks him for everything and tells him it was a happy one-sided love. But he doesn’t let go of her hand immediately. When he does he tells her that at first he didn’t like her, but now he is sad to see her go. She asks him not to go to the airport or she will misunderstand again as him liking her. She says goodnight and goes in. Doo Soo looks bittersweet, it seems he is accepting his feelings for her.

Back at the police station, Detective Yang who kept investigating the lighter has figured that the lighter must have been property of one of the Go family members.

The next day Doo Soo goes to the Go mansion. He meets with Yi Seok first and shows him the picture once more. Yi Seok takes it and goes asks his grandpa about it. The initial on the lighter matches the one on Grandpa Go’s cane. He starts blaming Grandpa Go but his father who was sitting at the table finally breaks up and confesses. His mom came out of nowhere and is screaming like crazy and flipping her eyes. It seems she knew but was trying to fool herself about it and hide the truth from Yi Seok. Everyone is either crying, having a fit or both.

The truth is finally out. I bet Doo Soo will be waiting outside for a very long time since everyone will forget he is there. Let’s see how they deal with this as a family. I bet no charges will be pressed but the truth will be known and there will be no reason for Hong Do and Yi Seok to be apart. Also, I will look forward to Se Ro and Doo Soo’s big airport scene!

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