Friday, June 5, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 12

Heart to Heart

Episode 12

This episode starts with a look to the past when three kids are playing hide and seek. A little girl is counting while the boys hide. They are in the open and the girl finds a box of matches. She associates them with birthdays and light them up, and accidentally setting the field on fire.

We re-start at the point when Grandpa Go is calling Yi Seok asking why did he deceive him. Yi Seok doesn’t pay much attention to it but goes to the mansion non-the less.

At the mansion Grandpa Go sees ‘Granny Hong Do’s’ CV for the first time and notices that some things are missing. He fills his assistant in, about ‘Granny Hong Do’ being a fake.

That’s a weird picture BTW.

Yi Seok arrives at the mansion and goes to his grandfather. I’m actually impressed how they managed to have a conversation and didn’t shout at each other. Yi Seok apologized, explained Hong Do’s situation and confessed that he really likes Hong Do. Grandpa Go mentioned that he found weird how ‘Granny Hong Do’ was able to deal with technology without problems and that that was one of the things that made him fall for her.

That morning Doo Soo was getting ready to go to work when he hears pebbles crashing at his window. Se Ro is outside in her police uniform. A piece of her uniform is loose.  She wanted to know how was he, since Doo Soo missed work the day before. He doesn’t give her answers but thanks her for taking him home the night he was drunk. He starts to leave but turns back and fixes Se Ro’s loose uniform. Aww!! Why does he make people hearts flutter like that! Just with that simple gesture! I don’t have to say how happy Se Ro is because of this.

Well, she finally speaks up!

The Housekeeper found the CV with ‘Granny Hong Do’s’ picture and though that Grandpa Go might have it to keep looking at it. She must have been in love with him for so many years now. When Grandpa Go complaints about the food she contradicts him tasting it with his same spoon! Then she quits and storms out. Let’s see what he does now. He won’t be able to live without her.

Se Ro goes to her audition. The part is for a male police officer but she impresses them with her performance and they decide to change the part from male to female. Way to go Go Se Ro! Playing around at the Police Department paid off.

The Housekeeper is about to leave the Go mansion but not before speaking her mind. She goes to Grandpa Go and confesses her love to him and then storms off. He is quite baffled.

At the clinic Hong Do is waiting for Yi Seok. She wants to know the reason Grandpa Go called him the other night. At that time Yi Seok’s mom enters the office and to Hong Do’s surprise he introduces her as his girlfriend.

Doo Soo is at work and when attending to an assault case the assailant runs out of the place, not before throwing Doo Soo down a fly of stairs and leaving him unconscious.

Hong Do, Yi Seok and his mom are eating together. They seem to be having a nice time. Hong Do is even able to speak and talk about her condition.

Jang Doo Soo is at the hospital. He is ok, just sleeping and with a strained ankle. Se Ro runs in but Detective Yang puts her worries away. She sends Detective Yang away and stays besides Doo Soo. He looks weird, as if he was smiling…

Grandpa Go’s assistant fill him in on Cha Hong Do’s situation and keeps assuring him that they met by chance, that Hong Do didn’t approached him with any ulterior motive. But there’s more, a new mystery has arisen. Cha Hong Do’s grandmother used to work for the Go family some 20 years ago and it seems that Hong Do herself used to visit them as a child. Grandpa Go seems extremely shaken by this. Could it be that Hong Do was the little girl who set fire to the field, possibly killing Yi Seok’s brother? Tension music cue!

Doo Soo has been moved to a room and Se Ro is insisting on taking care of him, even during the night. Doo Soo keeps trying to shoo her out but she is really stubborn. She evens threatens him, if he doesn’t go to sleep, she will kiss him! Jajaja!

Back at the clinic Yi Seok tells Hong Do that he wants to formally introduce her to the family as his girlfriend. She doesn’t want to, since she deceived Grandpa Go and feels sorry about it. He tells Hong Do that Grandpa Go already knows she was ‘Granny Hong Do’ and that he will like her as herself. Yi Seok then gives her a necklace his mom bought for Hong Do. It seems she likes her, or at least she likes that Yi Seok likes her and is happy.

We might be right at Hong Do being the little kid from before. Her grandmother changed her name when she was six years old. But Grandpa Go is discussing it with his assistant and won’t tell the whole story yet. *Sigh. Now he wants to separate Yi Seok and Hong Do. Classic.

It’s the next morning and Doo Soo is awaken (still at the hospital) by a thousand messages from Se Ro. She is out to buy him food but wants to know what he wants. Always pushing her away, he tells her she doesn’t need anything. Se Ro instead gets really excited and thanks him for his reply and keeps sending a million messages more. Jeez, she doesn’t even give him a chance to reply! She then decides to buy one of each. It’s good to be rich.

Grandpa Go intends to take a walk in the neighbourhood and finds his ex-housekeeper (Madam Hwang) in front of his house. Basically she wonders if the house is running without her. She comes out very strong. I also think that she is trying to take another approach at appealing to Grandpa Go. Now a free woman who can say whatever she likes.

I like this couple!

Se Ro asks Doo Soo for advice on how to overcome a one sided love. He tells her a few tips and she drops on top of him. She loves everything about him. She then offers to be her drinking buddy whenever he needs it and a small smile escapes his lips.

Yi Seok wants to play Cinderella’s godmother and takes Hong Do to buy some clothes to then meet his family.

Now she is ready and even went to the beauty parlour (or so it seems). They go directly to Grandpa Go’s and she immediately kneels begging for forgiveness.

Grandpa Go rejects and even insults her. He then gets really strong chest pains and after drinking his medicine he begs her to get away from his grandson.

Hong Do runs out and Yi Seok goes after her. She thinks Grandpa Go’s words are right; she doesn’t deserve Go Yi Seok. Yi Seok tells her not to worry about what other people say, just what he thinks and what they feel for each other.

Yi Seok’s mom talks to Grandpa Go. She tells him that Hong Do’s qualifications aren’t the best but that Yi Seok seems normal, at ease and happy when he’s with Hong Do, so she is on their side and sincerely ask Grandpa Go to be on it too. I bet she’ll go berserk if Hong Do is really responsible for he fire that killed her other child.

Se Ro tells Yi Seok that Jang Doo Soo is in the hospital and that she would like Hong Do to go see him, that way Doo Soo would feel happier. Yi Seok takes Hong Do to the hospital. It seems Yi Seok has grown some fondness for Doo Soo, although he would never admit it.

Yi Seok send Hong Do to get coffee while he talks with Doo Soo. He doesn’t want Doo Soo to meet Se Ro. He isn’t and clearly tells Yi Seok but the Go siblings only hear what they want.

Grandpa Go calls Yi Seok, he got him a potential wife and has set a marriage date (meeting) already. He wants to force him into it. Yi Seok tries to make Grandpa Go understand that he likes Hong Do but he won’t listen and still opposes it.

Hong Do arrives with the coffee but Yi Seok hasn’t returned. It’s awkward between Doo Soo and Hong Do and they can’t even talk well to each other.

Se Ro is about to take extreme measurements. She wants to cut all of her hair but just then; she gets a message from Doo Soo and runs off to meet him. He hands over the bag with all the stuff she took to the hospital and offers to buy her coffee because of her hard work. She is thrilled. On their way out they meet other two police detectives who start complimenting Se Ro (and her short skirt). Doo Soo gets all jealous and overprotective instantly and even shouts to the officers to go away. Se Ro is really happy that he is jealous and is considering wearing even shorter clothes so he can get jealous every day. She keeps insisting and asking if she is cute until he actually smiles and tells her that yes, her attitude is cute.  YAYYY!!!!

Yi Seok has decided to show Grandpa Go his manly will. He is moving out of the house into Hong Do’s (she doesn’t know it yet). That way Grandpa Go won’t be able to control him. Until he approves, Yi Seok won’t be back. Grandpa Go shouts some more and tells Yi Seok’s mom to stop him but she says she won’t. She is on her son’s side. Just then, Grandpa Go reveals to her that she is the girl who used to come as a kid. Yi Seok’s mom stares horrified and then it’s revealed to us that she indeed killed Yi Seok’s twin (by accident, but still).

Yi Seok is knocking on Hong Do’s door. He could’ve at least told her before hand or go to his apartment. Why is he there? He tells her that he ran away from home and asks her if he can spend the night.

That’s how this chapter 12 ends. To be honest I’m kind of sick of how all the dramas now have a plot twits on how they knew each other as kids and probably almost died or not died because of each other. Really, couldn’t they just be strangers that meet each other and are affecting each other’s lives here and now? Its complicated as it is already. I tell you, if these were based on truth, too many Korean kids are in danger of loosing their lives tragically as children. I was wondering what was going to happen now that the problems where getting resolved. Now it would be as if the whole drama was about their childhood. *Sigh. Wouldn’t it be refreshing if at the end they don’t end up together because their past is so overbearing that they part from each other. It would be different at least.

On other subjects I wish Se Ro and Doo Soo end up together. I like that couple. Also, it would be kind of weird if Se Ro and Doo Soo are together and Yi Seok and Hong Do are together. You know, what about family reunions? It would be awkward when everyone knows how much they liked each other at one point. Lets see what happens, writers seem to disregard those kinds of facts for their happy ever afters.

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