Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 11

Heart to Heart

Episode 11

This has turn into a melodrama! A pure makjan!! Jang Doo Soo walks in slow motion and hugs Cha Hong Do tightly. “Don’t Go”.  He whispers to her ear. Nearby, with a broken heart Go Se Ro has witnessed this entire scene.

Back to the beginning that was also our ending… Cha Hong Do has been discovered by Go Yi Seok. None of them has any time to ask questions or attempt explanations. Granpa Go has come back to the table and is sending Yi Seok away. Yi Seok ends up leaving. ‘Granny Hong Do’ turns down Grandpa Go’s proposal and runs out of the restaurant.

She reaches to Yi Seok who has just gotten into his car. He tells her to get on, thus preventing Grandpa Go from witnessing them talking. In the car she tries to explain but Yi Seok thinks she’s a gold digger that approached both of them on purpose.

She tells him that she only dressed as an old lady, because that was the only way she was able to work. He even took her wig away! Jerk!

Grandpa Go is back in his mansion. He is wondering if she didn’t like the giant pearl because it was too small. Jajaja.

Yi Seok took Hong Do to his apartment. She showered and took off all the make up. There she got the chance of explaining everything. He asked her why she didn’t tell him the truth. Hong Do told him that she was ashamed of dressing up as a granny.

He is not entirely convinced by her answer. Yi Seok tells her to not appear in front of his grandfather anymore and that she doesn’t need to go to the hospital either. He is cured of his phobia. And now Hong Do is completely unemployed.

This is the extent of Se Ro’s work. Jajaja

Se Ro finds Doo Soo eating some kimbap by himself. She ask him for the “big face ahjussi” that is always with him. Poor Detective Yang, she doesn’t even know his name. Se Ro confesses to Doo Soo that he is the first one to make her heart flutter. Even after knowing that he really likes Hong Do, Se Ro still thinks she and Doo Soo would make a good match and still wants him to open his heart to her. He mainly listens and then just eats. I guess her words reminds him of his own words towards Hong Do and that he is touched by her confession.

Doo Soo is waiting in front of Hong Do’s house. He is there to tell her that he will stop with his feeling now so that she won’t feel uncomfortable.

And then he gives her a goodbye greeting.

Goodbye greetings sounds very nice, I’ll have one please! BTW, there’s a lot of smooching in this drama.

Yi Seok arrives home and finds Se Ro exercising. He tells her that she should stay away from Jang Doo Soo but Se Ro tells him that’s her life and she will do as she pleases.

Hong Do is reflecting. She thinks she ruined people’s lives by going outside. She thinks it would have been best if she had stayed in her room forever.

Yi Seok tells Dr. Uhm everything about Hong Do’s double life. Now, he is worried that she is in love with Yi Seok the doctor and not Yi Seok the man. She tells him to go to a seminar and use that as distraction from everything that has happened.

Hong Do goes looking for Yi Seok at the office but he’s not there. She texts him but he doesn’t answer. She goes to his house (even when he told her not too) and there she meets Se Ro. The two of them go to have some coffee and talk. Se Ro asks her if she is serious about Yi Seok and Hong Do tells her that she really loves him and that she is only going to love him more. This makes Se Ro happy and she tells Hong Do about her confession to Doo Soo. They actually have a very nice girl chat. I bet they have never done that, or at least Hong Do hasn’t.

Se Ro calls Yi Seok and tells him too call Hong Do since she is really having a hard time and to make sure she doesn’t get stolen away by Doo Soo. Jeje, Se Ro’s double sided intentions.

Hong Do goes to the hospital again, looking for Yi Seok but he’s not there. Then Dr. Uhm takes Hong Do to her office and talks about Yi Seok. She tells Hong Do that he’s hiding behind a mask trying to act instead of his deceased brother. But that what he needs more is Hong Do’s unwavering love.

Yi Seok is in the seminar but he is bored and more interested in the text messages that Hong Do sent him. He is talking by himself and bothering people around him.

Se Ro won’t be visiting the police station anymore since she has finished preparing for her role. Detective Yang proposes a farewell party with Se Ro, Doo Soo and himself but Doo Soo declines and walks away. Se Ro then offers Detective Yang to set him up with her pretty friends if he arranges a meeting between her and Doo Soo that night. Detective Yang, set on meeting pretty girls, easily agrees.

Yi Seok keeps acting like a child in a boring class. He gets a text from Hong Do telling him that she is in front of the place where the seminar is being offered and that she will wait for him.

Yi Seok goes out practically running with a huge smile on his face. They make up and kiss a bit more.

Detective Yang and Doo Soo go to eat and Se Ro appears there by “coincidence”. So, they decide to eat together. Doo Soo is not very happy about it but he looks to tired to resist right now.

Se Ro manage to stay alone with Doo Soo (after kicking Detective Yang really hard) and tells him that Hong Do is sincere about Yi Seok. She also tells him that he seems like a brother who protects Hong Do.

Doo Soo gets really drunk and Se Ro decides to take him home. She leaves Detective Yang to fend for himself. It almost seems like she is kidnapping Doo Soo.

Se Ro is a bit lost on her way to Doo Soo’s house; she doesn’t know the exact place. By some luck she finds Hong Do on the street and asks her for directions. Hong Do starts explaining when Jang Doo Soo wakes up and gets out of the car, straight to embrace Hong Do, just like in the beginning.

Grandpa Go is really sick. He’s heart broken and feeling the blues because of what happened with ‘Granny Hong Do’ and also about his friend dying. That’s why Yi Seok asks Hong Do to dress as ‘Granny Hong Do’ and pay him a visit.

So she does the next morning. They shed tears as they talk. Grandpa Go insists on ‘Granny Hong Do’ taking a large amount of severance money but she declines.

When she is leaving the mansion Yi Seok meets her. Grandpa Go looks thru the window and finds that there’s a difference in ‘Granny Hong Do’s behavior. So much for not breaking character.

Grandpa Go goes up to Yi Seok’s room to ask him what he was talking about with ‘Granny Hong Do’ and overhears a conversation with everything he needs, to know that ‘Granny Hong Do’ was a fake lying to him.

Doo Soo wakes up in the floor where he fell asleep the previous night. He is late for work and has decided to take the day off. He takes the gloves that Hong Do had knitted for him and puts them in the box with the rest of the things Hong Do gave him. He then put this box on top of his closet, like trying to forget them without being able to throw them away.

Grandpa Go is mad and confused. This is why he orders his assistant to do a full background check on Madame Oh (the name ‘Granny Hong Do’ was using).

Hong Do is in Yi Seok’s apartment. He is cooking for her. Just when they sit down to eat, Yi Seok gets and angry call from his grandfather telling him to go to the mansion immediately and asking him how could he deceive him.

It seems Grandpa Go knows the whole truth already. At least his side of things, without the reasons behind them. Yi Seok must really be in love with Hong Do since he wasn’t mad at her for very long and at least he listened to what she had to say. Se Ro is being consistent and aggressive toward Doo Soo. That’s good; maybe at the end she will have a positive reaction. 

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