Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 14

Heart to Heart

Episode 14

Chapter 14 starts as in a dream or a long lost memory. Cha Hong Do and Go Yi Seok are together in a road surrounded by trees. With an air of goodbye, they kiss.

Hong Do confesses that she is to blame for the fire that caused Il Suk’s death. Yi Seok is altered but doesn’t want to believe it. Hong Do gives him a picture where she is with her grandma besides Grandpa Go’s assistant, Yi Seok and his twin. He gets out of the house still not quite believing it. Hong Do is left alone and crying.

Yi Seok runs to his house. He believes his grandfather is fabricating all these paper to get him away from Hong Do. He is simply in denial.

He even talks to Grandpa Go’s assistant, and he shows Yi Seok some old pictures. One of them identical to the one Hong Do gave him.

Even with the pictures he doesn’t believe that Hong Do is that kid. He bows to find the actual truth.

Yi Seok goes back to Hong Do’s house. He asks a few questions trying to make the situation into an impossible but Hong Do tells him that she remembers (vaguely).

He quickly turns into a jerk and tells her that she ruined his family and that she should take responsibility. Yeah, she was 6 years old. Can nobody think to put a little blame on the one that lost or left the matches? Seriously what the heck can she do now? Is not like she did it on purpose!

Doo Soo is investigating the fire from 23 years ago. He finds on a record that the fire was lit with a lighter, but Hong Do clearly remembers the matches. He receives a message from Se Ro asking to see him and he goes out immediately, no fights no more.

Se Ro wanted to give back the jacket and see him since she was feeling down. Instead he starts asking questions about her family. She leaves disappointed but hoping he will stop her. And he does, he stops her to apologize because he is worried about her, but Se Ro wants a bit more from him, not only worries.

Yi Seok starts drinking as soon as he gets to the mansion. Grandpa Go asks him to sit down but Yi Seok is acting all cynical and, I think for the first time, he is telling everything he thought and felt. He doesn’t care what his mom feels right now. He’s had it with the world. He says his mom is to blame as well since she was to busy fighting with his dad and send them outside. He says he is also to blame because he hated his brother since everyone loved Il Suk more. He says he know they would have been happier if he was the one that died.

Everyone is crying or in total silence. It’s a moment filled with drama and tension. You know what, it might be a stretch but I bet it was the father’s fault. I bet he was smoking with the lighter but never said anything.

Grandpa Go’s assistant goes to see Dr. Uhm. She advice him that is better that the Go family resolves this instead of burying it again.

See!! He is drunk, crying and saying it’s ‘all his fault’. Grandpa Go is telling him to be quiet and don’t say useless thing. He is the guilty one and Grandpa Go buried everything for his family.

Yi Seok is just drinking in his apartment and remembering that day. To his defence he did run to his brother aid when he heard him shouting. Se Ro arrives and tells him to stop drinking and that nothing was his fault. She really loves her brother.

The next morning Mr. Ahn (Grandpa Go’s assistant) calls to Hong Do’s door and tells her that Grandpa Go wants to meet her in a cafĂ© nearby. Could they just let her be?! Rich people!

Se Ro arrives at Doo Soo’s house and asks him to call Hong Do since she can’t reach her. But Hong Do isn’t picking Doo Soo’s calls either. Se Ro asks him to take care of Hong Do for the time being and goes to see Hong Do, she needs to meet her as well.

Well, he started!!

Grandpa Go meets Cha Hong Do. He gives her a big pack of money to “cover her moving expenses”. She doesn’t want to take it, but they leave before she can give it back. If I was her, I would have thrown it at them, or send it back by mail. The worst thing she can do right now is take that money. This only reinforces my theory that Yi Seok’s father is the one to blame.

Dr. Uhm goes to see Yi Seok at his apartment. Apparently everyone has his door code. And here we go; he gets to the conclusion that her condition must be because of the fire incident. I very well remember that she did go to at least high school or middle school. I also remember Yi Seok telling her that seeing at how she reacted to other woman it might have been a girl the responsible for her anthorophobia. But no, lets disregard all those facts that ‘nobody’ is gonna remember. *SIGH

He cries and tells Dr. Uhm how everything is his fault and feels sorry of how his mistake caused pain to Hong Do. But Dr. Uhm tells him that he was only twelve and the accident wasn’t his fault and that he needs to move on now.

Grandpa Go’s assistant has stayed behind and insists on taking Hon Do home. He tells her to hold on to Yi Seok because he needs her now. She didn’t give him the money back.

Se Ro is waiting for Hong Do outside her house. She’s been waiting for hours but doesn’t want to miss her. She is being in contact with Doo Soo who is now feeling guilty over letting her wait out in the cold so long without helping. So cute!

Hong Do goes to the clinic where everything reminds her of Yi Seok. She gets a phone call from Yi Seok himself and she answers. He’s in his car and is going to meet her there. Right at that moment Doo Soo calls Yi Seok and Yi Seok lets him know that he is not going to break up with Cha Hong Do.

Knowing that Hong Do is ok, Doo Soo gets Se Ro and takes her to eat something hot. Unlike Se Ro, she starts to get on Doo Soo’s nerve by talking back and ordering him around, being all contrary to all he says. She just wanted to see him angry and is back to herself once she gets it. (He just got a little bit annoyed).

Hong Do and Yi Seok sit and talk honestly. Yi Seok apologizes for blaming her and screaming at her. He knows he’s also at fault for the incident and doesn’t really blame her. She tells him that she won’t run away, she will stay with him for as long as he wants, and she will like him each day even more. Yi Seok looks as if he just heard exactly what he wanted and needed to hear. He looks genuinely happy.

Yi Seok goes to ask Grandpa Go to forgive Cha Hong Do but he doesn’t want to. Yi Seok threatens him to leave the house but Grandpa Go just throws it back at him and tells him he will be the one to cut him off. But then he gets another heart attack.

Grandpa Go is at the hospital and he’s in bad shape. Yi Seok’s mom tells him that even if they forgive Hong Do they can’t accept her. Basically, she blamed Yi Seok for this heart attack and tells him that his grandfather will die if he keeps insisting on Hong Do. If he keeps doing that he will break the family apart and begs him to break up with Hong Do.

Is late at night and Se Ro is finishing a filming schedule. Her car won’t start up and, wait for it… Doo Soo calls her first! He is calling to ask about Hong Do and Yi Seok but notices that Se Ro is having problems and runs to her (literally). He fixes her car and then Se Ro gets a phone call telling her about Grandpa Go.

She gets all nervous and flustered and of course Doo Soo makes her get on the passenger seat to drive her. Well, he is yours Go Se Ro! :D

Yi Seok is feeling guilty. He calls Hong Do and tells her that Grandpa Go collapsed. He tells her that they can’t go on like that. And breaks up with her over the phone. He is crying his heart out. Either way he looses.

Hong Do keeps going to work but Yi Seok is not. Fortunately Grandpa Go is ok or at least ok enough to walk into his home. For Yi Seok and Hong Do, separation is bitter.

Yi Seok decides to see Hong Do for the last time and say goodbye properly.

They walk in the forest, just like the scene at the beginning telling each other what they would like the other to do, such as, don’t hide, go out to the world, be good to your family and treat your patients well.

They kiss goodbye and Yi Seok once more say ‘I Love You’. Hong Do remains silent and Yi Seok, decided, turns to leave. This is when for the first time, Hong Do tells him that she loves him back. This makes Yi Seok falter for a minute, but he keeps going just like he promised to his family.

This is how this chapter ends. Its obvious by now that Hong Do is not the real culprit in Il Suk’s death, but the old man doesn’t want to reveal the truth to not stain his family any further. He is once more disregarding Yi Seok’s life and his love. He has also ruined Hong Do’s life once and is doing it again. I hate when that happens! Anyway, as things are going it seems we will have a happy ending after all. Two more chapters to go and we will see the complete development of the story.

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