Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Midnight's Girl - Episode 1

Midnight’s Girl

Episodes 8 Web Series
MBC Every 1 & Naver
Other Titles:
The Girl at Midnight / 0am Girl

Gong Ji Dan – Nam Taehyun (Winner)
Min Se Ra – Seo Min Ji (Perseverance Goo Hae Ra)

Gong Ji Dan dreams of becoming a super star one day. After He fails an audition, He becomes in charge of a karaoke temporarily. People say a ghost appears in the karaoke at 12 AM every night…

Episode 1

The series starts with images of a hospital room, a girl is laying on a bed with many machines connected to her. A TV is on and we can hear and later see that a singing audition program is on. Just as the main character starts to speak the girl moves one finger.

Now we see Ji Dan on his room. Is broad daylight but he is still sleeping and has just been awaken by a phone call… He gets ready to get out. Now is revealed that he lives with his mom and sister. Apparently his mom complaints a lot because he didn’t went to college and is unemployed.

He has a weird looking friend that lets him work on his money loans business.

Told you he was weird. Anyways, his friend just bought a karaoke room and is telling Ji Dan to work on it for one month and bring some clients in. Ji Dan doesn’t want to do it but his friend convinces him. Actually convinces him, doesn’t force him.

Ji Dan starts by putting up flyers of the new karaoke room. The add sucks so is no surprise that there’s no one in yet. He is only kept company by his other friend. This one looks more normal but not really.

It seems there’s an old tale saying that a ghost that comes out at night hunts the place.

His friend that tells him the story leaves leaving him on his own. No body quite likes a ghost story and Ji Dan gets startled by the noises that the old building makes.

Hours go by and no one comes in.

Nice! Jeje

He does everything to keep himself entertained but in the end falls asleep.

Now a strange girl that likes to see people sleep comes in. Precisely at 12 o’ clock.

The girl tells him that she comes in at this hour and he takes it as if she is a part-time employee. She is too well dressed for that place.

This way ends our first episode. It was really fun. I must say web series seem to be more to my taste. Not to many complicated things and very light. It was funny. It also has Taehyun and I’m surprised at how well he acts. Now for chapter two. Go Go Go!

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