Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 9

Heart to Heart

Episode 9

This episode starts with a lot of common people emphasizing the things they like the most about themselves while Go Yi Seok ruins it for them.

It starts were we left, Hong Do sees Yi Seok holding a woman and then Doo Soo finds her on the floor. What a triangle! He takes her out and she fights, wanting to go back in. She thinks it might me a patient, even if she is not, there must be an explanation. Doo Soo refuses to let her in and when Yi Seok comes out she recognizes the other girl as the ex girlfriend, who is now calling Yi Seok ‘darling’.

Doo Soo shouts at Yi Seok and makes Hong Do get in the car. They both start a silly manly display and part ways, each with a girl.

Yi Seok goes with his ex to eat some dessert. Don’t worry its actual dessert. There he notices she has anxiety as if something is bothering her. Is because of her wedding that’s just around the corner. She tells him that just this time, she wants to hang and play with him. She then confesses that she doesn’t love her fiancĂ© and asks Yi Seok to hold on to her.

Doo Soo brings Hong Do to his friend’s restaurant, again. She seems down because she’s waiting for Yi Seok to call her and explain.

Doo Soo gets a bit agitated because he doesn’t want her to get hurt and tells Hong Do that Yi Seok is clearly playing with her.

Yi Seok arrives home. He’s calling Hong Do and puts his phone on speaker. Just then Se Ro comes in asking him if he knows Detective Jang Doo Soo. She notices a lipstick stain on his shirt and starts questioning him about it. Hong Do hears all this conversation.

She then decides to speak up and Yi Seok picks up his phone. He is calling her to give her another chance. She tells him that just as he said, they are over. She admits that she heard everything and tells him how sad she feels. At least she told him up front and didn’t just hang up.

I say!

Doo Soo talks to his friend and tells him that he wishes he could turn back time because he thinks he’s doing everything wrong.

The housekeeper is acting all jealous and indirectly tells ‘Granny Hong Do’ to watch herself because it looks as if she’s trying to seduce Grandpa Go.

Now ‘Granny Hong Do’ is leaving the Go mansion. Go Yi Seok sees her and offers her a ride. She refuses and calls him a cheap man. Jejeje. But, he looks at her straight in the face and doesn’t recognize her!! It doesn’t matter that her make up is good. He must notice something strange!

Doo Soo is waiting for her outside. He wants to give her a ride as well. Just then Yi Seok comes out of the house. As they always do, they shout at each other. Still, Yi Seok didn’t notice is Hong Do in disguise. Doo Soo takes her away.

He tells her how he hates that she’s surrounded by everything Yi Seok.

But Hong Do then tells him that she lies to people for her own benefit, like the Go family, let it them believe that she’s an old woman. She tells him that he (Doo Soo) is too good for her.

Yi Seok is bragging to Dr. Uhm about his ex girlfriend. She point out that he treated her and didn’t have any fit. They wonder if it was because he didn’t think of her as a patient or if he’s all cured.

Hong Do is in the office, decided to work and get her counselling. She then learned that he saw his ex as a patient.

Detective Yang is pestering Doo Soo to go with him on a date. Not like that. A double date he set up with some people from the Internet.

Meanwhile Yi Seok wants to take Hong Do in the next stage of her therapy. She needs to go to the supermarket and try the sampling booths.

Meanwhile Yi Seok wants to take Hong Do in the next stage of her therapy. She needs to go to the supermarket and try the sampling booths.

Hong Do is having a very difficult time but taking small steps. Just then, Yi Seok gets a call from his ex. She is crying and asking him to come look for her. He proceeds to run to her as he just calls Hong Do telling her that he needs to meet his ex, that she can take a cab and go home. Hong Do is freaking out. This is why I still hate Yi Seok. She is having a really hard time and he just leaves her there. He could have at least help her out. He abandoned her when she needed him.

Yi Seok picks his ex who does look like she’s about to have a panic attack but as a normal person she can take it. She takes out Yi Seok’s mobile battery when his phone starts ringing.

Hong Do is calling him. She ran off and is hiding in the supermarket’s storage room.

She got locked in and still Yi Seok doesn’t answer her calls.

Yi Seok’s ex is acting like a crazy person. She caught her fiancĂ© cheating on her but since he’s rich she can’t cancel the wedding because her parents are really happy she’s marring a chaebol.

Hong Do finally calls Doo Soo for help. He runs to her and being a cop he gets help very easy and takes her out.

For the first time Hong Do sits at the front in Doo Soo’s car.

Yi Seok, talking to his ex just realized he truly is in love with Hong Do.

He calls Hong Do and she lies, telling him that she got out well and that she was just sleeping. Being sharp Yi Seok, he doesn’t notice that she answers him crying.

Doo Soo is waiting for Yi Seok. As soon as he gets down from his car to confront him, Doo Soo connects a jab right in his face. Ah! I love it how Doo Soo never lets me down! Jang Doo Soo! Jang Doo Soo!

He is giving a proper beating to Go Yi Seok who instead starts fighting dirtily and sloppily. They only stop when the police arrive but Doo Soo quickly sends them off. Now they are drinking together. Men. This means they are trying to out drink the other.

Doo Soo tells Yi Seok what really happened to Hong Do that day and swears he won’t let Yi Seok hurt Hong Do. He will bring her back next to him. Yi Seok won’t concede.

Hong Do has decides to stop dressing as her grandmother and says that she really really likes Yi Seok.

Doo Soo wakes up and he finds himself in Yi Seok’s bedroom. Doo Soo tries to sneak out but Se Ro sees him. Boy she looks happy!

She practically confesses to him. She tells him that they are really compatible and that she knows he can take everything that she says and does. He just treats her like she’s crazy. Se Ro sneaks a quick kiss on his cheek. The housekeeper sees this and comes quickly, he then very politely, apologizes for ‘having taken advantage of her hospitality’ and leaves. The housekeeper seems impressed by him. Se Ro tells him that she will meet him at the police station. She has a role as a police officer and she wants ‘hands on’ experience. Jaja I bet she just needs to stand against a wall or something but she’s once more overreacting.

Grandpa Go has received an invitation to a special concert. He has been told to go with his girlfriend. Since he has none, he says he’s not going. Of course he won’t give up the ticket either. Then his assistant tell him if would be nice to give ‘Granny Hong Do’ a nice gala dress, that way she could use it to go to a concert. And Grandpa Go is really considering it. Jajaja

Grandpa Go’s assistant calls ‘Granny Hong Do’ and tells her she has ‘evening work’ that day. She just agrees.
By this time, the housekeeper has found out that Grandpa Go intends to take ‘Granny Hong Do’ to the concert so she’s being sensitive and complaining about it.

Then Yi Seok is remembering all the time he mistreated and took Hong Do’s helmet. Oh, happy memories!

Hong Do is at the police station; she has gone there to thank Doo Soo personally for rescuing her yesterday.

He tells her that is his time to be by her side for 7 years.

Yi Seok meets with the people we saw at the beginning. He tells them she’s preparing an event and gives them a bonus for their help.

Grandpa Go and his assistant are at ‘Granny Hong Do’s’ house. They are here to deliver the dress.

But then he receives a call about someone he knows that just died. Because of these shocking news he collapses holding his chest.

Hong Do arrives at the clinic and confronts Yi Seok. She asks him if he was playing with her and how come he could see a patient without her? He lies and tells her that he felt like dying when he did.

Yi Seok takes her back to the supermarket and this time she is more decided and walks to one of the sampling booths. Here is one of Yi Seok’s helpers. He looks dashing.

Hong Do notices the extreme look on the others as well. She knows that is Yi Seok’s doing and is really happy that there are people uglier than her. Just kidding; but no.

This is all for episode 9. Incredible, Hong Do has 3 guys in love with her. Also Yi Seok and Hong Do solved their problem quite neatly. I am still suffering for Doo Soo. I have to admit I love watching Se Ro’s character. She’s funny and always comes up with something unexpected while over reacting to everything and making it bigger. The house keeper is about to have a rage fit and confess to Grandpa Go but I’m afraid she’s gonna get a bit hurt when she does.

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