Sunday, May 3, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 6

Heart to Heart
Episode 6

The episode starts and Hong Do is following a fire truck. They reach the destination of the fire, but the truck just keeps up going. Hong Do desperately enter the building shouting for Go Yi Seok. His office is filled with smoke.

Fade to, the moment when Hong Do was trying to change the light bulb. Yi Seok makes his sincere confession about having liked the night they spent together. And Hong Do ruins the moment by making a deuce bag move. She tells him that their bodies get along well… -_-

Yi Seok is baffled but Hong Do hasn’t finished what she has to say as she compares him to cigarettes and alcohol; something bad and addicting.

They start their play and Doo Soo enters the scene.

He watches how they advance to the couch and hears Hong Do laughing so he knows she is not being forced. They look like a real couple. Doo Soo is discovered standing there and he just excuses himself and leaves. Hong Do runs after him.

Doo Soo tells Hong Do that he was worried about her and that’s why he’s there. He also tells her that is the first time that he hears her laugh. Why is this so sad? Why is he so sad? Is like telling her, ‘I wish you would laugh like that with me instead of him’.

She goes back in, defeated, after Doo Soo left. Yi Seok starts blabbering and tells her that Doo Soo knows they slept together because he had told him. Being a rational person, Hong Do starts hitting Yi Seok.

Well, I’m not alone.

Doo Soo is feeling really frustrated and can’t get Hong Do and Yi Seok (together) out of his mind. Poor detective Yang gets the short end of the stick being his taekwondo partner.

But Doo Soo also gets his beating, because every time he thinks about Hong Do and the times the two of them had together, his guard goes down and Detective Yang takes the advantage.

Hong Do is waiting outside of Doo Soo’s place. He has the gloves she knitted for him in his pocket. Hong Do noticed them and he tanks her for the gloves. She says she is sorry but Doo Soo tells her she shouldn’t be. That she should be careful and cherish herself more. Like this, they part ways again.

Yi Seok can’t sleep and keeps remembering having Hong Do in his arms.

The next morning ‘Granny Hong Do’ is waiting at the bus stop and Doo Soo, who is driving sees her and stops his car. They exchange glances from across the street but he goes on his way.

‘Granny Hong Do’ arrives at the Go mansion. She is working for Grandpa Go once again. He shows her some old picture and she starts giving him suggestion for his book. Of course he “had already thought of that”. Jajaja

Doo Soo fiancĂ© calls him to meet up. She wants to break up with him. She likes him a lot but she knows that he doesn’t love her and that hurts her even more.

Doo Soo is at the police station when he receives a phone call from Go Yi Seok. He is outside the police station. Yi Seok asks for Hong Do’s address, again. Doo Soo gets really mad and tells Yi Seok to stay away from Hong Do. Yi Seok answers back and says he won’t do such thing. But Doo Soo is really mad and tells him that he will kill him if he does any wrong to Hong Do.

Hong Do is back to not answering Yi Seok’s phone calls and is drinking by herself in her room. Yi Seok leaves her a voice message telling her to come out. He tells her that he had asked Doo Soo for her address. At this, she gets mad that he keeps bothering Detective Jang and apparently starts to get ready to go and beat Yi Seok again.

Cha Hong Do burst into Yi Seok’s office. He’s doing nothing, as usual. She immediately shouts at him and demands to know why he keeps bothering Doo Soo.

Yi Seok is calm and acting like a puppy. He looks apologetic and asks her for her address. She tells him to never contact her again, that she regrets having slept with him and that everything is over. She starts to leave, but Yi Seok follows her apologizing and almost begging her.

He apologizes sincerely and she calms down a bit but still leaves without promises of coming back.

She does come back to work the next day, and perfect timing that is, given that a high school student just came in for counseling and he can’t see her on his own without having a fit.

Se Ro is doing some yoga. Her feet are dirty.

Yi Seok worries about her, but she tells him not to worry, that she’ll be all right.

Grandpa Go and ‘Granny Hong Do’ are hard at work. ‘Granny Hong Do’ even has grease on her nose. He is telling some stories about his son and grandson, all of them involving bicycles. The maid seems to be jealous and keeps vacuuming in front of the door, over and over again.

Dr. Uhm is in the Go mansion for her routine consult to Yi Seok’s mom. Only that today Yi Seok took his mom out and no one told the doctor. Then the assistant appears. Love is in the air!!

But he touches his own butt and the enchantment is over, for now.

‘Granny Hong Do’ finishes for the day and as she goes down she witnesses a private family conversation between Yi Seok and his father. She stays hidden but now she knows that Yi Seok became a psychiatrist because he wanted to cure his mom.

She is walking in her granny costume when Yi Seok suddenly appears in his car and offers her a ride. He still doesn’t know is Hong Do in disguise.

He forces – yes, forces – her in his car. She goes on the back seat and since she did her best to hide her face and not break character, he apparently still doesn’t know is Hong Do. While dropping her near her place Yi Seok gets a call, his mom is in bad shape and crying. Hong Do hears this and is now worried.

Apparently Yi Seok’s mom slept with her ex-husband. But since he is the cause of all her despairs, she repents and is crying her heart out.

Hong Do calls Yi Seok and in good timing. He tells her to come out because he needs to see her. I must admit this got a big “Aww” from me, but… I still hate you Go Yi Seok!

They meet and she sits on the back of Yi Seok’s car. She demands her consultation at that moment. She tells the story of how she doesn’t know her dad, her mom was a single mother who then left her with her grandmother and lived with other guy, then died in an accident. Her grandmother worked as a housekeeper to take care of her, but one day she collapsed and died. Hong Do tells how she even wished to be dead at one point. She says all she needs to and asks Yi Seok to make the questions instead. The he asks her if she wants to date him.


He tells her that there is something else in their relationship. She must feel it too and be curios about it. He wants to know if is love. Hong Do simply replies that she doesn’t want to go out with him.

Just bluntly like that and she leaves.

He still doesn’t know where she lives. Hasn’t he tried to follow her? That will be the easiest thing.

Jang Doo Soo’s family seems to have money. His grandfather was surprised by the news of Doo Soo’s engagement breaking off and he passed away. Doo Soo looks like if all the weight of the world is in his shoulders.

Doo Soo arrives to his home, it seems he has just come from his grandfather’s funeral. He stops before entering his home and turns around. He literally runs to Hong Do’s house. When he gets there, her lights are already off.

‘I’m a bit late’ means so much right now. Not late at that moment but like he realized that he likes her too late. Although he is still on time. He now gives off the feeling that he’s made up his mind about being with Hong Do and that is the best decision he’s made.

The next morning Doo Soo sends Hong Do a text message asking her to meet at the bakery. She practically runs out. When she is getting on her scooter she gets a call from Yi Seok. He tells her that the hospital is on fire and pretends that he is suffocating inside. At first she doesn’t believe him, but on her way she sees a fire truck and thinks is real so she follows the truck.

Meanwhile Doo Soo is waiting for her when sees her past by on her scooter. I hate when that happens!!!

Hong Do arrives at the hospital. The place is filled with smoke. She shouts for Go Yi Seok but there’s no answer. When she runs back out he is smugly standing by his car. He threw a few pesticide bombs to kill the roaches. He tells Hong Do that by now she must have realized that she did have feelings for him, seeing how she had run to save him. He invites her for a meal, but she just runs to grab his neck. She just missed her sudden date with Doo Soo because of his prank after all.

The chapter ends here. I’m so happy that Doo Soo realized his feelings but I just know is gonna bring a new world of pain. This chapter was about being jealous and realizing their feelings. I must say, Hong Do must have a very big impact because for someone who didn’t came out to the world and lives with a helmet on, she was two guys in love with her. She didn’t even do anything to achieve it. Well, the real jealousy circus and manly display competition starts now. Sadly, I think I’ll be rooting for the loosing party.

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