Saturday, May 2, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 5

Heart to Heart
Episode 5

This chapter starts by showing us what happened 7 years ago when Hong Do’s house was robbed and she first met Doo Soo. She was hiding in a hole in the wall and he brought her a blanket and covered her with it.

Days later he went to inspect that everything was safe at her place. He brought her a replacement cup for one that he broke and even made sure that the lamppost was working. How could she not fall for him?

Now, remember this happened.

I bet he thinks is someone else between his arms. Why would I think that? Cuz, he’s a jerk.

This is what we are all thinking. By the way, this is the ex-girlfriend. The one he is in the process of breaking up with. The one who is getting married to some other guy. Yes, she just opened his door and entered his house uninvited…

As soon as she shouts, Hong Do runs out to the closet for hiding. Yi Seok runs after the ex girlfriend telling her that is nothing serious. But she asks him how could he spend the night and morning in the same bed with other woman? The first chapter, he left after they were together because he seems to have some kind of trauma, but it seems he is cured of everything with Hong Do. The ex leaves and Hong Do comes out the apartment running and goes down the stairs. He screams after her, telling that they should at least talk about what they did. She leaves anyway.

Hong Do reaches her home and runs straight into her own closet.

Grandpa Go is looking for a replacement, someone who he can communicate with and understands everything he says. But, he doesn’t really want anyone. His assistant tells him to bring ‘Granny Hong Do’ back. Grandpa Go doesn’t want to. I bet she’ll be back anyways.

Go Yi Seok goes to his office and looks a bit disappointed when Hong Do isn’t in her desk. He tries calling her but she doesn’t answer. So, his next step is to call Detective Jang Doo Soo and ask him for her address. Doo Soo doesn’t want to give it to him. I don’t blame him. He calls demanding for it, not really asking him.

Yes, please.

He tells Doo Soo to relay his message. Hong Do needs to call him or if she doesn’t go to work the next day, she is fired. He then proceeds to hang up his phone, leaving Doo Soo talking alone.

Hong Do is sitting in her closet and she is slowly recalling everything that happened the night before. I must say, some of it look quite romantic, even thou she looks like a crazy person.

Doo Soo is having some snack/lunch with Detective Yang and the subject of Hong Do is brought up. Doo Soo says he’s worried that Hong Do can’t be reached and that she seems to be house secluded again. Detective Yang offers to go check on her and Doo Soo gets all worked up. So Detective Yang starts teasing him about Doo Soo liking Hong Do.

Hong Do is currently living in her closet; she is even eating there and ignoring all her calls. Well, closets are comfortable places.

Meanwhile Yi Seok keeps calling Hong Do but to no avail. He goes to Dr. Uhm to have a consult. He tells her that he keeps getting worst and that he can’t see any patient without Hong Do being there. The Dr. points out what is obvious, he just likes her.

Yi Seok tells Dr. Uhm that he even slept with Hong Do. He finds it strange since she is not his type, nor is he attracted to her. (Yeah right) Dr. Uhm gets extremely mad at him for doing so and grabs him by his ears. Jaja.

Is night time and Doo Soo stands in front of Hong Do’s house. He apologizes to her and asks her to come out to the world.

Grandpa Go is suffering by himself. He is still hooked up by the thought of him smelling bad. Yi Seok tells him that he smells like old man and offers to buy him cologne. Grandpa Go starts making demands for his new cologne.

Grandpa Go’s assistant goes to ‘granny Hong Do’ and asks her to apologize to Grandpa Go first so she can go back to work. At first Hong Do seems reluctant, but the next ting we know she is in the Go mansion.

‘Granny Hong Do’ apologizes to Grandpa Go and tells him that she won’t be able to work there anymore. Now Grandpa Go looks upset. I’m telling you… he just might end up in love with her later on.

Did he really now?! Yi Seok is going crazy without Hong Do and tries to replace her with a lamp. Literally.

Yi Seok keeps calling her and calling her and calling her. He left her a message telling her to never go back to him or go on telling him that she was in love with him. There’s a popular saying that goes ‘The Donkey talking about Ears”, that I think applies perfectly to this moment.

Our two detectives are talking about Hong Do’s situation. Detective Yang tells him to stop calling Hong Do or taking care of her. Because Doo Soo told her that he is getting married, now she is destroyed and he keeps trying to pull her back; Detective Yang says he is only gonna hurt her more. (He’s right!) Now they are dissing Yi Seok looks. Jajaja. Detective Yang seems to be an expert at faces and rumours in Gangnam. Now he is sure that Go Yi Seok is a player that slept with Cha Hong Do.

Doo Soo calls Yi Seok to talk about Hong Do but Yi Seok hangs the phone on him. Doo Soo goes to Yi Seok’s house to personally ask him if he did anything improper to Hong Do. Yi Seok tells him that he slept with Hong Do. Why is he bragging about that if he doesn’t like her? I hope he gets a punch in the face!


Doo Soo calls Yi Seok a ‘dog’. He asks how can he sleep with her without any feelings? How can he give Hong Do a mental scar when she was barely starting to come out to the world? Because of him, now she has gone back to confinement. It seems that these words make their way to Yi Seok.

Each goes their way. Yi Seok is now in his car and starts imagining Hong Do there taking care of him and even giving him kisses.

His hallucination of Hong Do puts him to sleep. Now he won’t be able to sleep without her ever again.

Grandpa Go calls ‘granny Hong Do’ to go meet him. He wants to work again with her. She is between a rock and a hard place. She needs money because she is about to be kicked out of her place, but Yi Seok is living in the mansion and she keeps being reminded of their night together.

Hong Do tries to get a loan but since she is in her granny costume the bank won’t give it to her thinking that she is Hong Do’s grandmother. At that moment, Yi Seok texts her saying to go back to work. That he will allow it if she says she’s sorry.

Se Ro goes to another audition. They ask her if she is willing to take off her clothes and she agrees. 

The part seems to be legit and the character description is very much like her situation of a dead older brother and another one alive.

Yi Seok can’t see any patients without Hong Do so all he does is read comics all day. Hong Do finally goes back to the office.

Yi Seok seems happy to see her. She apologizes for having used him. She said that she was a bit crazy that night because of Doo Soo getting married, and that she just went for it. She tells Yi Seok that she doesn’t have any feelings for him and that she only sees Doo Soo as a man, no one else. Yi Seok’s ego is hurt and he tells her that he doesn’t like her at all, but Hong Do doesn’t believe him.

Who is being smug now?!

They “agree” that there is nothing going on. So, Hong Do says she feels relieved now and leaves.

That is the feeling of being used and dumped.

Doo Soo is at her fiancé wedding dress fitting but is not paying attention. The future wife seems to know that something is up. Just then he receives a call from Detective Yang. Go Se Ro is at the police station, apparently very drunk and demanding to see Doo Soo. She keeps saying, “Doo Soo Jang, this is all your fault”. Yes, just like that, since she is speaking English. Her English sounds very good btw.

Hong Do is folding her underwear and notices that the panties she wore that night had a hole in them. She is worried over if Yi Seok saw the hole or not. Right then, Yi Seok texts Hong Do telling her to write a daily journal. Hong Do text him back asking him “if he saw”. He just calls her back. (He was just looking for an excuse to do it). He tells her step by step how to write a journal. Starting from opening the notebook and so on. She should write how she feels every time she meets someone, even in her dreams. For example, how did she felt when they slept together? Aja! So that’s what he actually wanted to know!

I also feel ashamed that he asked her that…

Doo Soo goes to the police station and then decides to take drunken Se Ro to her house himself.

Hong Do tries writing her journal but there are many things she doesn’t want to reveal to Yi Seok, like the fact she dresses up like an old lady and works for Grandpa Go. Instead she writes a letter for Doo Soo letting him know all that she felt. She tanks him for all this time and leaves a pair of self-knitted gloves as a last present. She even takes away the cooler in which she used to put the side dishes she cooked for him.

Dr. Uhm is at the Go mansion. She had a moment with the assistant. Seems like something is gonna happen there. Another love line is starting. She meets Yi Seok at the door and he tells her about how Hong Do seemed normal and cool about letting go what happened that night. Dr. Uhm just insults him.

I like this Doctor!

Hong Do is hard at work when Yi Seok arrives. They both look embarrassed and exited at the same time. Like two teenagers in love.

Doo Soo is… I don’t know what he is feeling but he is in front of Hong Do’s place and texting her asking where she is.

Back to the office. Yi Seok is basically following Hong Do everywhere like a puppy. He is still being a jerk, so she is trying to change a light bulb while he just looks. Their faces meet and Hong Do admits that she is curious and while she really, really likes Doo Soo she liked the night they spent together. Yi Seok admits it as well.

And, Tension Music, cue! Doo Soo is in the office, looking for Hong Do. He hears some strange noises when he finds… What the hell?!

Yeah, this is exactly my face.

For some reason Yi Seok is all sprawled over Hong Do. In any way it looks either like abuse or a very close relationship. Hong Do looks a bit startled at seeing Doo Soo there and Yi Seok seems delighted to be found in such a close situation. Actually Doo Soo looks a bit disappointed. Well, he shouldn’t be like that, he is engaged after all.  

That’s all for this chapter. So, no one really knows why Yi Seok is in love with Hong Do already. He doesn’t even know. Just as Yi Seok, I’m also surprised that she is taking her first time with him so coolly. She has anthorophobia after all. I feel really bad for Doo Soo but he has to make up his mind. He can’t keep grabbing onto Hong Do if he is getting married. I know he is worried about her and doing it very sincerely but just as Detective Yang said that would only hurt her more. What will Doo Soo decide? We’ll find out soon.

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