Saturday, November 7, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 3

Episode 3

As the episode starts we see Won Young sleeping in his part time job and is awaken by a call from the person who took his mobile by mistake. She asks him to take it to her and he doesn’t want to do it until she offers him $300 as a reward.

Woo Ri is hating all the couples in the world and has decided is time for her to get a job, so she is set on making it happen. 

Won Young gets to the place where the mobile owner works. She is at a TV station and they are having some sort of live music festival.

The girl has been watching Won Young's videos on his mobile and I have the feeling that she remembers him from before. And, drum roll please, one of the bands can’t play. How, oh, how are they going to find a band that can cover that spot right now!  -_-. It’s so cliché. Besides, she mentioned she received a text message from said band before but how? She didn’t have her phone with her?

Woo Ri has been worried since she found out that Won Young didn’t make it back to the house and calls him ‘accidentally’ to see if he’s ok. But of course, the girl answers and Woo Ri starts having a break down. Just then a message comes telling her that she has passed one stage of an interview and is set for another one. There, of course is the guy who is in love with her but she doesn’t notices him, even after she drinks some of his coffee.

Nina (that’s the name of the girl – the mobile owner) asks Won Young to play so he calls his band members who get there in a flash.

At first the band doesn’t get any reaction from the public, that’s it until they start to play.

Meanwhile Woo Ri is looking for a book in the library but its too far up. But there's Hyun Woo (the guy who is secretly in love with her) who gets the book for her while she stumbles backwards into him.

So both of them have met their new romantic interest, even if they don’t know it yet. This episode was not bad but it was pure cliché. Sometimes we love clichés but not a whole episode of it. With this drama I still can decide if I like it or not. Let wait for the next one and see.

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