Friday, November 6, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 2

Episode 2

Episode 2 starts with a brief review of their relationship and quickly goes to show that they still live in the same shared-house while hating each other and insisting for the other one to move out. It seems that they are making things on purpose to make their lives miserable. Also, they live with weird people…

Woo Ri is looking for a job but so far she has been unsuccessful.

Since they live in a shared house (with many other rooms) some of the other house mates complain about all the noise and the ruckus these two are always engaged on.

Because of this they decide to make a contract to be able to live in somewhat peace together. Simple things such as no violence, no eating each other stuff and no getting involved in each other’s love life.

Won Young is short on money and since he needs a place to practice he ends up getting a part time job in a convenience store.

In the process of serving a customer, she get their phones mixed up and takes his before he can notice. I’m sure this will lead to new drama development since she was showed briefly in the first episode.

This is how episode two ends. It’s better than the first chapter. I guess I enjoy chaos better. Now the interesting stuff will start as they get new couples. Looking forward to it. ^^

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