Saturday, November 14, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 10 [Final Episode]

Episode 10 (Final)

Hyun Woo and Won Young were involved in a stupid fistfight. You can see how stupid it was since there are clothes thrown all over the place. What?!

Anyhow, revelatory moment thru Hyun Woo’s words, Woo Ri quit her job, broke up with him (were they even really dating?), and is living somewhere else. He decided to tell Won Young all this because according to him they are both idiots. I agree. 

Won Young goes to the company and deep bows to Nina, I’m guessing he is both thanking her and saying sorry. He is declining her offer.

He keeps calling Woo Ri but she is walking around and doesn’t want to pick up the phone.

She is ready to give him up and say goodbye but he is ready to fight for her.

Wow, she just slapped him! Ok, that was cool.

I think those two have a ‘Some’.

Won Young and the band are ready to play but he is sort of waiting for Woo Ri to show up. She doesn’t, at least not yet so they start. Nina is there, hidden from view. She really liked Won Young but the heart wants what it wants and his is calling elsewhere.

Woo Ri is far away and has a dream realizing that love is good even if its complicated. She doesn’t make it to Won Young’s presentation.

He is moping around in her empty room.

What? Boy was this a crappy ending. She is revisiting places she went with him and as if an act of magic he appears there and somehow it seems they are happy and back together. 

Why? Wasn’t she decided to be by herself and find her way? Ugh.

So on and all it had its fun moments but this mini drama was super cliché and kind of patched up, also very predictable. It is something you can watch quickly is that what you are looking for but I was hoping for more. I think the idea of people who broke up living together is very good but was wasted. Also, a lot of people disappeared from the drama. Why even introduce them if you are not going to say anything else about them. Well it was certainly a roller coaster of love and hate with it. Hope you like it better than I did.

Friday, November 13, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 9

Episode 9

Won Young smiles at the kiss he got from Nina. Does this mean he is ready to move on? Even the dog barks at him when he gets into the house, meaning that it doesn’t agree with him.

We are shown (shortly) how did Woo Ri and Won Young drifted apart. Woo Ri is telling this story to Hyun Woo.

He tells her that she can take all the time she needs but she needs to ‘rip it like a band aid’; meaning that the faster she gets away from Won Young the faster she will heal rather than lingering on it.

Woo Ri has finally decided to move out, even if she doesn’t get her deposit back. Won Young sees her packing and goes all douche. He tells her that everything is going well because they broke up.

She goes along and he think she is going to live with Hyun Woo so gives her a small jealousy spectacle until she slaps him very weakly.

Woo Ri is near her workplace carrying a box filled with random things for some random reason. Of course, she drops the box and Nina is there. Now Nina is asking her about Won Young?! WTF?! You don’t do that!!

Nina then goes on about how envious she is of Woo Ri and tells her that she wants to do well with Won Young. Telling her to get lost much?

For some other random reason Hyun Woo is running about near the music company, looking desperate. Why? And… ok, this doesn’t make sense.

A group of fans run to Won Young? How? Why? Let’s just ignore this happened…

The music company is in big discussion and now they want to debut only Won Young as a solo and throw away the other band members. He is angry and doesn’t want to do it but Nina is sort of insisting.

Won Young doesn’t know how to say that to his friends. Now the one that doesn’t talk finally does. Hehe, I knew that it was going to be sort of awesome when he did, he even has a deeper voice than the other two.

Still Won Young gets drunk and miraculously finds Hyun Woo’s address. He goes there drunk and starts banging on the door. When Hyun Woo opens he starts looking for Woo Ri, but she doesn’t live there. So he starts insulting Hyun Woo and they break into a stupid fistfight.

This drama (especially this chapter) is filled with clichés and random things once more. Just one more episode to go. Hopefully it will be good and will leave a good impression on me changing my view on the series.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 8

Episode 8

Both of our main characters are moving on with their lives. At first it seems they are both doing well but Woo Ri is having trouble at work. There’s one director that is after her and making her have a hard time. Although she does have a point…

Won Young on his part has his muse back and is hard at work.

Won Young and his band have a radio interview. We previously saw how Hyun Woo sent a message with his story to the radio station so I can only imagine his is going to get chosen and he is going to get some advise from Won Young himself or something.

The director asks Woo Ri to do a simple task of gathering a few tapes for a meeting. She runs to do it. She gets a call from Hyun Woo asking if she needs help but she declines. She needs to prove that she can do stuff on her own. Of course the tape is in the tallest shelf and before she can reach it, she falls. I thought she was going to lose consciousness but only her papers get all over the floor. She is lamenting herself when she gets a message from Hyun Woo.

Won Young is at the radio station and Hyun Woo has sent the link to Woo Ri, probably so she can listen to his story (?). Now Hyun Woo is looking all over for her when Won Young starts to read one of the stories sent to the radio station. Yes, you got it, the story from Hyun Woo (whose nickname is Whiplash).

Won Young gives a good advice but I guess he can relate to the story. He decides to perform a new song that he has written. And what a song, he is still in love with Woo Ri. Is about them and him not knowing what really went wrong, being thankful to her for being in his life.

Woo Ri and Hyun are feeling existential while they drink and talk about life and dreams.

Nina drops the band at the shared home and Won Young apologizes for not showing the song before. She tells him that she actually liked the song. She keeps pushing so she gives him a peck on the cheek as a gift for their first public appearance. The last thing we see is Won Young staring at the distance contemplating.

This chapter was a bit on the sad side. But I really liked the song. I wonder if he wrote it himself and think that there’s a very high probability to it. Two more chapters to go!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 7

Episode 7

Won Young’s band mates ask Woo Ri for help convincing him of taking the offer from the label. So this chapter starts as she is trying to convince him to think it over. He pretends he doesn’t want to listen to what she is saying but he is.

Nina arrives and Woo Ri makes her exit. Nina ends up agreeing to Won Young writing his song and then she confesses telling him that she likes him.

Woo Ri and Hyun Woo look as if they were dating and they look silly and happy. As interns they need to give a new presentation and Hyun Woo offers her to do it together. She says yes (thankfully because other wise she is ruined) and he tells her they need to work on it tonight, in his house if she’s ok with it. She hesitates but says yes eventually.

Won Young is working on the new song and is looking thru old files, songs he made for Woo Ri. He wants to erase some things but he forgot the password. He ends up calling Woo Ri to see if she can remember what the password was. She doesn’t but offers to send it later if she finds it and Won Young hears Hyun Woo on the background before she hangs up.

Won Young remembers the password and starts looking at all the old photos. He is reminiscing and it looks as if he misses those times.

Woo Ri is at Hyun Woo’s place working on the presentation, only that Hyun Woo is making dinner. He is even making his own pasta! Apparently he’s been at it for two hours. Woo Ri starts to wander about the house and finds a room with a drum set. Hyun Woo appears at the door and offers to teach her. Boy, you are super cute but she is hungry, perhaps another time? He starts playing and he does it really well.

He tells Woo Ri to try it out. She is even better than him.

She starts playing properly, letting it all out and she looks like she is about to start crying. When she finishes he leans and kisses her. Nooooo!! Why does the second lead always makes the same mistake?!!

Nina walks in and sees that Won Young is watching old videos of Woo Ri and him. She tells him that she won’t ask about that or why they still live together and tells him that he has a radio interview.

Woo Ri breaks the kiss and walks away pretending it didn’t happen but Hyun Woo stops her. He is about to charge back the favor he did while helping her with the presentation for the interview. He asks her to move out from the share house because it bother him that she is still so close to Won Young.

Well, I guess that confirms that they are dating. I don’t dislike her anymore (since I did at the last episode). It looked as if she was playing the drums for real. I hope it was, that was super cool. Just why are they moping around so much and being jealous and missing each other so much if they can be together. People really.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 6

Episode 6

Just were we left, Won Young is pondering whether or not liking Woo Ri’s SNS post when Nina notices their faces and decides to be the black knight and drink the whole pitch of beer instead of him.

She is the throwing up when Woo Ri joins her.

Woo Ri asks her what does she likes about the band, clearly referring to Won Young. Nina answers her directly that there’s something special about Won Young and that it was like love at first sight.

The party is over and everyone is heading home. Hyun Woo takes this moment and confesses to Woo Ri.

He tells her he likes her very much, sincerely and from a very long time. Woo Ri doesn’t takes him seriously because ‘he is drunk’ but he tells her that he isn’t.

Nina is very drunk and wants to continue the party but Won Young has called a designated driver to take her home.

Woo Ri discusses her recent confession with her friend (the one that looks like a stewardess) and tells her about Nina, who happens to have all the highest qualifications and such.

Woo Ri is worried about working with Hyun Woo since she doesn’t know how to react around him. Its very awkward and she keeps avoiding him but he is the cutest thing and keeps doing small things to get around her.

Meanwhile things got heated at Won Young’s new agency because they have a famous producer to write their title song for the debut but Won Young gets mad because that’s not what they talked about. He doesn’t think he needs anyone to write his songs since he is an artist and he can do it on his own.

Of course Woo Ri and Hyun Woo are outside and the buildings are next to each other so they hear everything. -_-

Hyun Woo walks Woo Ri home and she then tells him that he doesn’t need to walk her home from now on since its burdensome but then goes and takes his hand and says that she will walk him home.

That is mean since she isn’t over Won Young and doesn’t like Hyun Woo like that. Is not fair to give him that kind of hope. Now I dislike her. I hope she makes it up in the next chapter. I understand Won Young’s posture but also think he is over reacting too fast not even listening to what someone who understands the business and care for him has to say. Everything is give and take. Sadly these two just want to take.