Sunday, November 8, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 4

Episode 4

The drama resumes when Woo Ri fell back on Hyun Woo. She remembers him and he gives her an absolutely charming smile. Asklhfeu. He must be having a feels attack as well.

Turns out he also needs the book, and of course there’s only one. She asks him for the book, at least just for one day and starts making eyes at him. It looks like he is going to cede but she then starts dancing again. Oh gosh, that must be the worst dance anyone has seen. I seems that he has an interview at the same place but he doesn’t want to tell her just yet. He suggests that they spent the night together, studying of course, since they both need the book.

Won Young finishes his stage and people love him. The whole band is feeling weak since it’s the first time they experience this. They decide to go home.

Woo Ri fell asleep while studying for her interview and started dreaming with Won Young. 

A professor wakes her up. Hyun Woo is asleep in front of her and offers her a ride to her interview.

Meanwhile Won Young is drunk and sleep talking to Woo Ri telling her how well he did on the impromptu concert.

Woo Ri just makes it into the interview and guess what? Her actual brother Cheon Dong (aka Thunder) is making a cameo. How cool to see him!

Woo Ri starts her presentation and notices it looks different from what she started yesterday before she fell asleep. She is mumbling and the interviewers are bored, so she starts to dance, again.

Oh gosh I’m embarrassed in her stead.

In the most bizarre of world scenarios, the President of the company likes her enthusiasm and offers her a job. Look, he is thrilled! He even danced with her wtf.

The director next to him contradicts his words but just when Woo Ri is about to leave the presentation (that Hyun Woo) made for her starts working and they look interested. It seems she will be getting an offer again.

She goes out and just then Hyun Woo is called and tells her that he is also interviewing. He has some weird vending machine suit on.

My face exactly.

Nina comes back to the convenience store where Won Young is working and offers him a job in the industry. He quits his job there almost immediately.

Woo Ri and Hyun Woo go out to celebratory drinks and she thanks him for all his help. She promises to pay him back if she gets the job. He asks her if she has a boyfriend and looks quite pleased with the answer.

Won Young is going back home planning what will he do with all the money he think he is going to get when he notices Woo Ri stumbling about towards the house with Hyun Woo by her side. Then Hyun Woo leans in and from Won Young’s point of view they are kissing, but really you can tell they aren’t. Jealousy spreads thru Won Young since he isn’t completely over her either.

I’m so confused with this series. Don’t get me wrong, the plot is quite easy and predictable but some days I like it and others I don’t. I really enjoyed this chapter and I’m already suffering for what awaits to Hyun Woo with his second lead syndrome. Hope the next episode is as good as this one or hopefully even better.

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