Saturday, November 14, 2015

We Broke Up - Episode 10 [Final Episode]

Episode 10 (Final)

Hyun Woo and Won Young were involved in a stupid fistfight. You can see how stupid it was since there are clothes thrown all over the place. What?!

Anyhow, revelatory moment thru Hyun Woo’s words, Woo Ri quit her job, broke up with him (were they even really dating?), and is living somewhere else. He decided to tell Won Young all this because according to him they are both idiots. I agree. 

Won Young goes to the company and deep bows to Nina, I’m guessing he is both thanking her and saying sorry. He is declining her offer.

He keeps calling Woo Ri but she is walking around and doesn’t want to pick up the phone.

She is ready to give him up and say goodbye but he is ready to fight for her.

Wow, she just slapped him! Ok, that was cool.

I think those two have a ‘Some’.

Won Young and the band are ready to play but he is sort of waiting for Woo Ri to show up. She doesn’t, at least not yet so they start. Nina is there, hidden from view. She really liked Won Young but the heart wants what it wants and his is calling elsewhere.

Woo Ri is far away and has a dream realizing that love is good even if its complicated. She doesn’t make it to Won Young’s presentation.

He is moping around in her empty room.

What? Boy was this a crappy ending. She is revisiting places she went with him and as if an act of magic he appears there and somehow it seems they are happy and back together. 

Why? Wasn’t she decided to be by herself and find her way? Ugh.

So on and all it had its fun moments but this mini drama was super cliché and kind of patched up, also very predictable. It is something you can watch quickly is that what you are looking for but I was hoping for more. I think the idea of people who broke up living together is very good but was wasted. Also, a lot of people disappeared from the drama. Why even introduce them if you are not going to say anything else about them. Well it was certainly a roller coaster of love and hate with it. Hope you like it better than I did.

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