Saturday, May 16, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 8

Heart to Heart

Episode 8

Episode 8 starts with Cha Hong Do running in slow motion, with what seems to be side dishes packed on her hand. She has a new helmet and her hair is braided. She runs into Yi Seok’s office but he is hugging his ex-girlfriend. We see Hong Do start to fall but is grabbed and pulled back by Doo Soo. Boy, this is turning into a makjan.

Now, we go back to the beginning. Yi Seok is in a pharmacy thinking of buying medicine for Hong Do’s cold but he ‘realized’ she’s lovesick so he ends up not buying anything. While he is debating this Hong Do is in the car waiting for him but talking on her phone with Doo Soo. He looks like a boy in love.

They make an appointment to see each other the next day. He is looking forward to meet her but she is thinking of dropping whatever sort of relationship they have. To the end of the conversation, Yi Seok comes back into the car and Doo Soo hears him. He quickly goes from happy to this.

Now Yi Seok and Hong Do are eating and Hong Do tells him that she just wanted to hug him, that didn’t meant she wanted to date him or anything.

Yi Seok, you may have a mansion and an apartment but you sleep in your car.

They start to bicker as usual and Yi Seok starts to insult her, as usual and then he tells her that even when they don’t make a good match, the moment he hugged her he felt that she was his woman.

Detective Yang wants to go clubbing with Doo Soo but he doesn’t want to. He likes Hong Do, helmet and all. He thinks he doesn’t need to those places since he already has a girl.

Yi Seok takes Hong Do home and steals her helmet. He tells her to find 10 good qualities of herself. He tells her that she has pretty eyes, so she should work hard in finding the other 9. Yi Seok also takes a picture of her and refused to delete it even after telling her that she looked really ugly in it. -_-

He – finally – follows her home and meets her on the bridge. He hugs her and tells her everything the way it is. At least he can be honest. He says he’s lost his mind now, so he will date her but when he gets his senses back, she might get hurt. That she’s probably making a mistake since patients tend to fall for their doctors but that they should see it to the end. She agrees as they both feel really happy right now.

Hong Do tries to find these good qualities but she is not confident enough to find anymore.

That’s what I want to know too…

The next morning is time to go to work but she doesn’t have her helmet with her. She goes out of her place and wraps her head around the scarf that Doo Soo gave her. Yi Seok is waiting nearby and starts chasing after her. She doesn’t notices and runs like her life depended on it towards the clinic.

Early in the morning Se Ro is waiting for Doo Soo in front of the police station. She has 8 questions for him that he should answer truthfully and send to her email. That way she can make a decision. Jajaja. He looks so confused right now! She likes him but wants to add in all other factors to know if she should like him. Also, its sort of like he should feel it’s a privilege that she is considering to like him. What’s with the Go siblings that they are always in the ‘process’ of things?!

Hong Do finally arrives at the clinic and off they go to a consultation. He goes treat the twin sisters that came separately to his clinic. One of them has gone blind and is a psychological matter. It seems he sees himself in this situation since he had a twin brother that people loved more.

Doo Soo wants a picture of Hong Do so he is gonna ask her to send him one. Detective Yang is a bit more realist about it…

Yes, please. Do everyone a favour!!

Yi Seok talks to Dr Uhm about the twins’ case and he confesses that it was Hong Do who discovered that he was seeing himself in her. He also confesses that he feels he’s gonna get caught by Cha Hong Do.

Hong Do is waiting for Doo Soo in front of his house. She says she is sorry and that she is gonna reject his feelings. Since she has never done anything, she is going where her heart tells her to go. He tells her that she is confused, but still she once more says she’s sorry. He is such a gentleman that tells her its alright that she should go since is cold outside. Then he realizes she had left the scarf he had given her. How cruel. That’s how my heart just broke a piece.

The next morning Doo Soo is waiting for her outside her place. How can he still smile? :’(

He gives the scarf back. It was a present to her. He also tells her that he will do whatever he wants now. So he will love her regardless, even if it’s a one-sided love. He tells her to do whatever she wants and then come back to him. He will wait.

Confirmed! The housekeeper from the Go Mansion likes Grandpa Go but for his behaviour I think my previous suspicions are right. He likes ‘Granny Hong Do’.

Doo Soo drops Hong Do at her job and finds out that she is working at the Go Mansion. He doesn’t like that very much. Just when he’s leaving in his car, Se Ro comes in from her morning run.

She makes him stop his car. She thinks he came to give her the answers. But to her disappointment, he tells her he has someone he likes and cuts her off. Of course, she doesn’t believe this and brush it off as him ‘being shy’. Seriously, these Go siblings…

‘Granny Hong Do’ is helping Grandpa Go with the computer and she compliments him on his new cologne and his clothes, saying that he looks younger today. Is basically what the housekeeper was telling him, but he is accepting ‘Granny Hong Do’s’ compliments. They start talking about looks and people dyeing their hairs and she offers to do his. And yes, this is suddenly happening. I even wonder when they bought all this stuff. He likes her for sure!

Doo Soo is after one of his criminals and gets his hand injured in a knife fight. Well, technically the other guy had a knife and he didn’t. Also, I have the feeling he is being a bit reckless because he feels frustrated.

The next day, Yi Seok is waiting for Hong Do in front of her house. He gives her a helmet as a gift. She likes it a lot at first but then realizes that it doesn’t have a shield. At this Yi Seok just tells her she doesn’t need a shield anymore.

Go Yi Seok is still in his office late at night. He is studying, looking for answers that could help Hong Do with her anthorophobia. She calls him and finds out where he is and that he haven’t eaten yet. That brings us to the scene at the beginning. Hong Do is running towards the clinic, her new helmet on and her braided hair while carrying food for Yi Seok.

At that time Doo Soo calls Yi Seok and ask him to meet in the clinic. They have manly stuff to talk about.

Hong Do arrives at the clinic ready to surprise Yi Seok but finds out he is hugging another woman – his ex girlfriend -.

She starts to panic without knowing what to do and Doo Soo arrives. He notices what’s happening. Yi Seok notices Doo Soo and sees when he bends down, now realizing that Hong Do is in the floor. Regardless Doo Soo takes Hong Do’s hand and drags her out.

That’s it for this episode. We still don’t know why the ex came back but what we know is that their happy moment didn’t last very long. I hate seeing Doo Soo hurting, he is too good. And I hate seeing Yi Seok happy since he is still a jerk. A lot of possible love lines and love triangles keep forming here and there is sort of funny but it might get a bit complicated in the end.

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