Monday, April 20, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 2

Heart to Heart Episode 2

As the new chapter starts we see a flustered Cha Hong Do running. There is blood on her white stockings as she runs in slow motion and people stare at her. It seems Police Officer (and second male lead) Jang Doo Soo runs after her, also in slow motion.

Ok, now we are were we left; with Go Yi Seok hanging from the ceiling while Cha Hong Do makes an entrance in every sense of the word. She is now trying to save him and gets something to cut the rope which makes her fall along with him, but not in a romantic ‘oops’ kind of way.

Impressive how he was just hanging up by his throat but our jerk male lead, can still shout. Agh! Really, what a jerk! She just saved his life and he is literally pushing her! I really hope he changes cuz, right now I absolutely hate him! Now, Yi Seok blames Hong Do for all his problems and near suicide. He tells her to live alone in her helmet, away from the world, forever. What a horrible thing to say, as a human being and even more as a psychiatrist.

He, once again leaves with her mobile and she follows him. Yi Seok goes to the hospital where his patient (the one that stabbed himself the day before) is. While they talk, Yi Seok starts having the same sort of fit that he had the day before. He looks as if he is in pain and his vision seems more like a hallucination. Meanwhile Hong Do hides behind a set of hospital chairs waiting for him to come out to confront him. She hides there and some people actually sit on those chairs, knowing she is hiding. Like, honestly, couldn’t they go somewhere else?

He eventually comes out of the room and Hong Do keeps asking for her phone. When he doesn’t want to give it, she explodes. He is suddenly fascinated and tells her that she was fortunate to meet him, cuz he can cure her disorder. What’s whit the sudden change of heart?

Ok so it seems he stops having these fits if she is around. Maybe is her helmet. So he needed her to be able to talk comfortably with his patient, that’s why he tried to strike a deal. Why is he having these fits with just this guy? Maybe both of them have pacemakers and the static interfere between them? I’m sure we’ll find out later on if it’s important. Anyhow, she runs out of the room before he finishes talking with his  -now ex-  patient and he, of course, starts having the fit, so he goes out of the room. The fit stops as soon as he is within a few steps distance from her and as promised he give back her phone.

Now we are in Hong Do’s place and she is like a professional make up artist. Is very interesting as we see her transform herself into an old lady.

She goes off to work and there finds out that Go Yi Seok is the grandson of the rich family she is going to work for. We meet another character, Yi Seok’s mom. She is a rich lady who is apparently a compulsive lot of things; but this week she is a compulsive shopper.

Police Doo Soo is with his partner having a snack and he wonders if Hong Do is ok. He starts typing a message but is unable to finish because a naked lady is running in the streets. Hong Do receives the unfinished message and now is very annoyingly trying to finish the sentence. Shik.

While the police officers are still chasing the naked lady. We meet Sohee, who I promise from here on call Se Ro. She is trying to be an actress but in the search for spotlight is ruining the filming in which she is an extra. In the end, both worlds meet putting and end to both the chasing and the filming.

Doo Soo notices that he sent the wrong text message and start answering back to Hong Do. It seems that he really like Hong Do, or at least find her cute or sweet. In conclusion, he cares for her. Meanwhile, Hong Do is, for some reason, waiting for the text answering her question in front of Doo Soo’s house. Why? I understand that she is impatient about the answer but if she won’t let or want herself to be seen by him, why is she there? Ok, now something weird is happening. There’s a random dancing feet scene going on. I’m confused. I don’t understand what the metaphor in it is supposed to be. And now a light in her helmet just went on.

The text comes back and he is inviting her to eat together. She really likes him so is decided to go and even dresses herself prettily. She is immediately faced with distressed as she needs to go through a construction site and a lot of people to get her taxi. But for the man of her dreams, - which she even has his picture as her home screen – she will do it!

She succeeds in taking the cab but is faced with more trouble when the ride becomes unbearable. She takes off having paid less that what was owed and is making a run to get to her appointment and away from people.

At the same time Doo Soo is waiting for her at the appointed place when he notices a fugitive that they were looking for and starts his own chase. He is quite bad at chasing people. Even thou he can run fast, he is such a good person he keeps helping people along the way and letting the dangerous man (making an assumption here about the guy being dangerous) get away. He looses the guy momentarily but luckily finds him stealing some clothes to change his own and divert attention. But in the end Doo Soo gets him. Yay!

Back to Hong Do’s run for it… Remember the white stockings I mentioned at the beginning? Turn out is just her legs, no stockings here. She falls down after crashing with a cyclist and falls, cutting her knees and loosing/leaving behind her mobile.

It’s family time in the Go residence. The grandfather’s birthday is being celebrated with a simple family dinner that quickly turns into a scolding session for everyone as a service from Grandpa Go.

And Yi Seok father enters the house... I thought he was dead. Anyway, Yi Seok’s mom is really flustered and even looks sort of scared. There’s some revealing dialog about the father abandoning the mom and being a cheater more that 20 years back.

Hong Do finally makes it to the appointed place but is already closed. The thing is, in that precise moment Doo Soo gets there but instead of meeting him, Hong Do is too afraid and runs away. A voice over has been revealing her list of what to do when meeting Doo Soo and step-by-step, we see how these are ruined. Is sort of heart breaking. Doo Soo leaves without seeing her (he is looking for someone with a helmet). He calls her phone that is answered by the cyclist she bumped into earlier. She starts crying, frustrated at not being able to put her fears aside and meet Doo Soo. Next thing we know she is getting drunk by herself in her apartment.

Doo Soo gets Hong Do’s mobile back and brings it to her. He asks her out again and tells her that he is a persistent guy and that he is sorry he couldn’t meet her that day. He thinks is his fault and that he left Hong Do waiting because of his chase. It’s a sweet scene. That’s why I hate to know I’m gonna suffer because of him! I always suffer because of the second lead guy!

Meanwhile Ki Seok is being put to the test. He is forced to quit drinking and work in a different place.

Hong Do has decided to get herself “fixed” and thus be able to meet her lovely police officer. So, she goes searching for our jerk like doctor Go. He is baffled how his office has just being emptied without him knowing and is about to get a scare because of Hong Do’s creepy entrance.

She is desperate and practically begging him for help.

This way concludes the second episode. In which I only care more for Doo Soo, feel really sorry for Hong Do, like the way Sohee Se Ro’s character is going and still hate Yi Seok. Still hoping for this to get better as it should, giving the fact that the real action is about to start now that their lives are gonna get all tangled together. Because of this, let’s stay tuned! :D

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