Friday, April 17, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 1

Heart to Heart
(Literal Translation)

16 Episode Drama

Choi Kang Hee (Protect The Boss/ Level 7 Civil Servant)
Chun Jung Myung (Reset / Cinderella’s Step Sister)
Lee Jae Yoon (Witch’s Romance / Golden Rainbow)
Ahn Sohee (Wonder Girls) 

Cha Hong-Do suffers from social phobia and has a problem with severe blushing. Her grandmother was her only contact to the outside world. One day, Cha Hong-Do's grandmother dies. Cha Hong-Do then begins doing housework as a maid, but disguises herself as an old woman. Through an incident, she meets a psychiatrist, Ko Yi-Seok.

Episode 1

The drama starts with a quick compilation of their childhood and adolescence and we see how he moves on and keeps growing as a rather normal child while she becomes an outcast and prefers solitude.

Turns out that he is a psychiatrist, book author and a jerk. But he just happened to coolly save a woman from jumping to her death.

She turns out has become an old lady. Ok, ok, she is just dressed as one. She has social phobia but seems quite ok being around people while she’s dressed as a grandma. She is competing for a housekeeping job and in the end she gets a job doing something else (typing the patron’s memoirs) in the same household.

Her illness is presented by him, while talking in a TV show. A smooth way. And we have transition to Hong Do (lead female character) who is wearing a helmet and running around in the night with a thermos. There’s quite a large amount of people out in the street for that time of day or should I say night?

She delivers a thermos a few streets away. She puts it in a sort of cooler hanging from a door. Then we get to meet the second lead man; Jang Doo Soo. It seems that she likes this guy enough to run out when there’ so much people around to give him food and she has been doing it for 7 years. Why? Anyways he looks charming. He gets distracting with a phone call and she runs away. Only she is now so lost in thought that she doesn’t seem to mind all the people walking in that residential street at that time of day. That given the fact that the guy is a detective going home and there’s another guy vomiting in the street we can only assume is very late at night.

Now we meet the lead man’s girlfriend, by the way his name is Go Yi Seok. They are in a very expensive restaurant ordering champagne, you know, every day stuff. Back to the girlfriend, she is a news announcer and at least she seems smart, not just your average bimbo I’m-the-girlfriend-of-a-rich-jerk-cuz-he-has-money. He sweet talk her saying that even though he doesn’t express his feelings often they are sincere. He gives an expensive necklace inside of a Russian doll (for some reason). In the end he just want sex and she agrees. He leaves in the middle of the night but not before the girlfriend reveals that he has some sort of sex or sleeping trauma or perhaps something about caring for people… I’m not entirely sure yet.

Its like too many dramas at once: Flower Boy Next Door meets It’s Ok, It’s Love.

Don’t you guys feel like once there’s a theme every drama goes about that? Like a trend but it’s like all the writers gather in a classroom and someone says: “This season you must have “a person with a sex trauma” or “someone who can’t talk” or “a set of fraternal twins”. I wonder…

We are back to Hong Do and we can see that her land lady charges too much money so that’s why she absolutely needs the new job. We can see that she reads a lot, knows a lot of perhaps useless facts that will end up being useful and that she has practically everything in her house. Everything including Yi Seok’s new book which she uses as a table plate for her hot pot of ramen. This makes the cover of the book (which just happens to be his face) to stick to the bottom of the pot, eventually making her to red the book in one go. 

She is charmed by what he wrote and is convinced that he could cure her so she goes out in her scooter, during a time of day in which the traffic is really heavy. Her social phobia is once more, forgotten.

Oh it’s Sohee! Ok her name here is not Sohee, it’s Go Se Ro. Seems like it’s Yi Seok’s little sister and she wants to be an actress.

Go Yi Seok is seeing his patients but being the full ass jerk that he is, he hates it. Why is he even a psychiatrist then? Jeez. He even drinks in between patients, but don’t be fooled, he is not drinking perfume, is rum.

Now he’s with this guy who seems just lost his wife, but Yi Seok is having some sort of attack and yet the patient doesn’t seem concerned that his doctor is acting this way.

Hong Do arrives at his office and the secretary runs off to the bathroom. She hears some screaming (Hong Do, not the secretary, she’s in the bathroom!) and opens the office door and we witness what seems to be the doctor stabbing the patient with a fountain pen. But could as well be the doctor trying to prevent this from happening. Is very vague…

Hong Do freaks out and the doctor comes back to his sense (he is drunk on perfume rum remember) and ask her to call emergency, she does but she is freaking out so the mobile goes to Yi Seok who eventually puts it in his pocket. Why? Oh well…

Now we meet again Doo Soo, the police detective/one sided love of Hong Do for 7 years. Go Yi Seok is being held as a suspect for attempted murder but he doesn’t remember a thing and Hong Do is held as a witness but she is so shocked she is not talking at all. So Doo Soo comes to save the day and recognizing Hong Do’s helmet head (Jeje just like Crayon Pop) approaches her in an appropriate manner. He brings paper, pen, sweets and a bag of cups. He asks her to write or draw what she saw while he builds a tower. Seeing that id Doo Soo she blushes even more. Her face right now is literally red.

She draws a quite elaborate picture. Like really, if it was me, I would draw stick figure only complicating things more. Anyways, she draws a quite elaborate picture that police Doo Soo shows to jerk suspect Yi Seok. Yi Seok being the jerk he is gets all mad about it saying that is not concise evidence and storming into Hong Do’s interrogation room barricading just the two of them there. She is freaking out and he is running and harassing her around the room. He takes her helmet off and notices that symptoms of her condition but still treats her badly. She finally shouts at him telling him that all the evidence point out that he is the perpetrator. Doo Soo finally opens the door and punches Yi Seok in the face ending the harassment. Yi Seok leaves the police station while reporters wait for him everywhere.

He eventually runs to his girlfriend’s place but she shows up with another guy. Which I could bet is just her brother, but you know, he didn’t stop to ask. He then storms off towards his office where all the phones are ringing. His girlfriend then text him and dumps him, over a text message. Yikes. He hears some messages that are left on his phone. His coffee commercial just got cancelled!!! And that does it. He needs some drinks right about now! Why a psychiatrist is booked for a commercial anyway?!

Hong Do arrives back home and realizes that Yi Seok had pocketed her phone earlier.

Back to Yi Seok, so he is drinking, alone in his office, from a bottle he found on the clinic kitchen. What? Why was that there? Is he out of his perfume stash on his office? He just finds one answer to all that has happened just today. Suicide. Just the day before he saved someone from it and now he is getting ready to do it himself.

Hond Do arrives at his office. She wants her mobile back. But why would she even go there? I mean, I know he is there but why would he? Does she expect to find her phone on the ground? And she would be breaking and entering, that besides disrupting a crime scene.

Now Yi Seok is putting his head thru the ties that will end his life while suddenly he hears a message from the cops. They called saying that he is innocent! The man before stabbed himself. Yi Seok is so surprised that he accidentally kicks his chair and is now, literally hanging on for dear life.

But just now… wait for it… Hong Do enters the room! She kicks the door and her hair under the helmet flies with the wind while her background is all red. Pfft. The way she enters, just like Chuck Norris or something. It feels like “Cool Guys Don’t Look At Explosions” should be playing as her background theme song.

So episode one has just ended. I am sort of curios as to what is going to happen now. But there are a few things that I know because I read the description of the drama. Such as the deal with her grandma and why she’s dressing up as an old lady, although I don’t really understand yet how that helps her deal with the world.

I didn’t laugh a lot with the first chapter, but I feel like there’s another second lead guy that I will be heart broken about…

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