Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 4

The chapter starts and we see images that represent loneliness and suddenly…

What?!! Ok, ok, if you are gonna start the drama like this give me a heads up!! I’m seriously confused right now!

In an apparent change of events, Hong Do actually told Jang Doo Soo that she likes him. Then she ran away, like any sensible person who just made a confession by accident.

At least Doo Soo looks touched and even kind of happy; of course he’s lovely.

Hong Do reaches her home in a flash. Yi Seok calls her and tells her to come out and celebrate her giving this step successfully. He, of course tells her she has to buy…

She is reluctant since she’s never been into the bakery and having anthorophobia is hard for her. He insists and she goes to meet him. 

He then brags about how good he is.

He is soooo humble… That’s exactly my face…

Hong Do tells Yi Seok that instead of “Did you sleep well?” she declared her love for Doo Soo. Now, Yi Seok is baffled and tells Hong Do to say the same to him, to imagine that he (Yi Seok) is Doo Soo (as if…) and say it again to ‘see how shocked Doo Soo was’. He makes her repeat it time after time. Maybe he wants her to think is something common to say and not a bad thing? But, why does it look as if he’s enjoying it? Did he already fell for her? How? Why?

Hong Do’s mobile rings and is Doo Soo calling her. Before she can answer it, Yi Seok takes her phone by force and answers it himself. He tells Jang Doo Soo that Hong Do can’t come to the phone and to forget what happened that morning. But WHY?!! WHY WOULD HE SAY THAT?!?! JERK!!

Go Yi Seok has retaken his practice and is now seeing a patient. She’s an old lady with delusional problems. She sees a 12 years old son who isn’t there. He breaks the news without any tact and the lady is now broken hearted and crying like crazy. (No pun intended). Turns out the lady has terminal cancer and basically her other psychiatrist just let her be happy with her non-existent kid. His mentor Dr. Uhm is demanding an explanation but instead he just insults her as well.

Yi Seok and Hong Do go out to eat. He gives her wine and they toast for her confession. He is not drinking; he isn’t supposed to because of the previous incident with his patient. Besides, he prefers to drink perfume.

Hong Do likes the wine, apparently a little too much and we can predict she is gonna get drunk. She asks him why did he become a doctor. Excellent question Hong Do! Ten points!

He answers with another question. Pfft JA JA JA! He just said he’s a person overflowing with love and attention!! Best joke of the day! Instead of answering he turns the table (not literally) and asks her why does she likes Detective Jang. After some bickering, she answers that she likes everything about Jang Doo Soo. Yi Seok dislikes this answer. Is it his usual jerk-ness or is it jealousy?

Hong Do is now, of course drunk. He, ever the gentleman, calls for a substitute driver. But since she has a scooter, he can’t drive her because she might fall off. Yi Seok ends up driving her but apart from the area where she lives, he doesn’t know the exact place.

She is too drunk and unresponsive at the moment. He ends up taking her to her house. She wakes up in a strange bed and slowly starts recalling what happened the night before.

She goes out and quickly changes into her grandma costume to go work for Grandpa Go. She has a hangover. At the very entrance she bumps into Go Yi Seok but tries her best not to be seen. He is on his phone, so is not paying much attention to her.

Meanwhile Jang Doo Soo is trying to catch another criminal but he tries to be an over achiever and while climbing over a wall, with a (now injured) criminal on the ground he takes a phone call. It’s Go Se Ro calling about her remuneration.

She bickers because she thinks Doo Soo just called her ‘dog poop’, then threatens him a bit more and goes off to her new job as an extra. Today she will play a beggar. I’m looking forward to how is she gonna ruin it today. Jeje

Hong Do smells like alcohol and is trying not to get close to Grandpa Go but he misunderstands this. He thinks she is saying that he smells bad and fires her.

Yi Seok goes to the police station to get the stolen golden hearts back, but is only able to get 1 back. One out of 72 that is. He asks Doo Soo how he felt after the confession. The he tells him that he (Doo Soo) knows and is taking advantage of how Hong Do feels but trying to wrap it up as being neighbours and friends.

Se Ro is actually doing very well at her role but she has to eat and some of the food reminds her of ‘dog poop’ so she keeps hearing Doo Soo calling her so, and ends up not being able to eat and causing another NG, with a lot of complaints from the crew.

Doo Soo reaches his home. He is talking with his fiancĂ© on the phone, but it seems he doesn’t really loves her. He knows he has to get married and is going for it but, but, but… something is missing. His side dishes, courtesy of Cha Hong Do are missing as well. He decides to cross the bridge/path to her place. Hong Do is just arriving and is still on her granny costume. He hasn’t seen her face but addresses her. She just runs out startled, and he runs after her. He catches up and in the midst of running she looses her wig.

He returns with her wig and finally realizes its Hong Do.

Yi Seok who didn’t wanted to be alone calls his ex girlfriend. Let me correct myself, his girlfriend who he is in the process of breaking up with. For some reason she meets him and tells him that she is getting married. Reacting like any abnormal person, he instead keeps flirting with her, tell her to go on a farewell trip with him and as usual brags about just ‘how great he is’.  She, reacting like any normal person would, stands up and leaves.

Back to Hong Do and Doo Soo. He is marvelled at her makeup. He compares it to when he was a kid pretending to be a superhero, pretending to be someone else. He said exactly how she is feeling, making her to open up and start talking.

She tells the story of how she used to live with her grandmother and only play with her because of her anthorophobia. She also reveals that her grandma died and she was left to live alone. It’s quite a moving confession actually. She never went out of her house until she met Detective Jang. He caught a robber that was in her home. Then she was always curious about Doo Soo, so she started thinking of ways to get out. It was all because of Doo Soo. The first way she could go out was dressed as an old lady.

Doo Soo feels sorry and tells her that he is getting married. Hong Do is there, just looking mong.

OMG! That looked like a naked man!! Sorry, easily distracted…

Yi Seo goes to his family house for his older brother ritual. He passed away. He asks about the old lady who was working with Granpa Go. His expression was somewhat suspicious. As if he already knew it was Hong Do.

Hong Do has accepted and is dealing with the fact that Doo Soo is getting married and has decided to change his picture from her mobile home screen.

Hong Do and Yi Seok go to see the old lady from a few days before and she tells them the story of how her 12 years old son died. She said that she feels like a sinner for having lost her kid and that still to this day, it hurts to even breathe. I guess this could show him how his own mother feels about his brother that died.

Yi Seok prescribes more medicine for the old lady. Hong Do asks him to take it back and let her be happy for her last days. She breaks down crying saying that she would give everything to see her own grandmother again. That way he discovers that her grandmother died. In the end, turns out that Yi Seok had in fact reached the same conclusion about the old lady and only prescribed her vitamins.

Se Ro is furious for what happened with the (misheard/misinterpreted/misunderstanding) about the ‘dog poop’ so she goes to the police station and throws a bag of dog poop in Doo Soo’s desk.

Hong Do stands in the rain in front of Doo Soo’s home, saying her last goodbye to her memories and one-sided love. At that time Yi Seok enters his apartment and sees the carpet, still stained and dirty from when Hong Do threw up a few days ago. A small smile appears in his face. As if he just found the perfect excuse to not be alone, or the perfect excuse to call her. He tells her to go to his apartment and stop him from drinking. What a lame excuse. She just breaks down crying on her phone. Although, I’m not sure if he was still on the line.

She reaches Yi Seok’s apartment and is drenched. He tries to help her by sticking napkins on her helmet.

He then treats her more humanly and gives her a change of clothes. He is making some midnight snacks (meaning hot dogs) and has about 20 beers in the table. He said he’s not drinking so she proceeds to do it herself. He looks… happy. She tells him that she is not going to see Detective Jang again and asks him about himself. He tells her that he broke up, or is in the process of breaking up with his girlfriend. Is he still deluding himself with that?! Jeez.

He then tells her that his brother died 23 years ago in a fire. He feels like drinking now but she stops him. That’s her job and ‘that’s why she is there’. He pulls her closer and closer…

And closer, and… forehead kiss?

There’s something you should know about me. I hate forehead kisses. Why? She is not a kid. That is not romantic. If you are being taken away by passion, you go for the lips. Is instinct!!

And he went for the lips!!! Thank you, that’s a real kiss.

She looks confused, but she is going with it. Wow, This must be her first kiss. And now the clothes are flying. Is this really happening?

Well, I guess the drama is over, and I mean over. Wait, is it not? Anyways that was a fast developing of skin ship. Not very usual in Korean dramas but, hey I’m not complaining. Don’t get me wrong; I’m not a pervert. It’s just frustrating some times. I bet you feel the same and more than once have shouted at the screen “Oh, just kiss her already!!” Now there will be a lot of tension between them. I really don’t understand how he fell in love with her. Nothing really special has happened; at least for going that far as to liking or loving someone. I can understand that he likes her company but there’s quite a stretch there. He is not drunk, so he know what’s he’s doing. I bet they will tell us later. Let’s hope.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Heart to Heart - Episode 3

Heart to Heart
Episode 3

As this episode starts we see what is perhaps Hong Do’s most inner dream. Of course we see it as a sense of parody given the fact that her and Doo Soo are wearing traditional clothing and representing the first night of a newly married couple in the Joseon Era (hope I don’t mess up the eras).  In here Doo Soo tells her that he likes her read cheeks and they spend their first night together while someone seems to be peeping from outside.

Back to present time, Hong Do is begging Yi Seok to “fix” her. She takes off her helmet and he realizes that her problem is serious and complicated.

…And just the moment you think, oh he is having a change of heart the jerk in him comes out not disappointing or betraying his character. He tells her no (of course) and calls the police regarding his empty office. It seems the only two detectives available are Doo Soo and his partner Detective Yang. As they go in Doo Soo notices Hong Do but he doesn’t seem surprise to see her there. He does ask if she got her phone back. Just like me Yi Seok can’t believe that there is such coincidence in life. He tells Hong Do to leave because he won’t treat her and the detectives to change because he doesn’t want to deal with them anymore. None of this happens and the investigation starts. He said that the most valuable thing in his office were 70 gold hearts. Why and why did he have gold hearts there? Come on! That just shouts to be stolen!

One moment Yi Seok is shouting at Hong Do to get lost and the very next second he is asking for help. AGH! Michin nom!!

He succeeds in hiking a ride to his car. He just keeps blabbering and teasing her and she just looks nervous as hell. I wouldn’t be surprised if they crashed in that scooter of hers because of him.

They barely survive the ride and he asks her why does she want to get treated since she’s been “living just fine inside her helmet”. She reveals that she wants to greet people normally and well… date.  He, oh so almighty, agrees to help her.

Oh, ok there he goes. He wants to charge her $350.00 an hour per consultation. She just gets back on, on her scooter and insults him big time before leaving.

Yi Seok wants to start anew with his practice and takes the offer of his mentor Dr. Uhm Gi Choon, who at first I believed to be his publisher but it turns out she, is not. He takes her offer for a small office. Once more he starts having a fit when he is near an old person.  

Yi Seok lies in a sofa on his mentor office passing thru the symptoms of his fit. He tells her that it happened before and that he thinks Hong Do is all the medicine he needs to treat these fits. What a romantic thing to say in the most unromantic way possible, especially coming from him. Also, I feel as if is a bit of a stretch for him to think that. I mean, isn’t he curious why? Why doesn’t he have these when she is around? There must be a logical explanation. We also learn that his mom has a bipolar disorder. Maybe that’s why he became a psychiatrist.

Grandpa Go is prejudiced about the old people even when he is quite old himself and doesn’t want ‘Grandma’ Hong Do for typing his memoirs. In the end, she gets the job. Although he is giving her a few tests, and she is of course, nailing all of them. Could you imagine? What if Grandpa Go ends up falling in love with Hong Do?!

Yi Seok is ready to fix his new office and calls Doo Soo to get Hong Do’s phone number. Doo Soo won’t give it so Yi Seok sends him his new address and impose on him to give it to Hong Do.

Hong Do is leaving more food at Doo Soo’s place. While she writes a note, Do Soo arrives. He quietly goes to her and startles her. He blocks her way don’t letting her escape. He asks to talk to her and leads her to his car. He puts his hand on her arm gently to prevent her from escaping.

His car is very poorly parked by the way. She is sitting in the driver’s seat with the window down, while he is talking from outside. He starts talking and tanking her for everything that she prepares for him. He tells her that she is a solace to him and that he wants to help too. She is enthralled and slowly reaches for his hand and touches one of his fingers. It sounds kind of creepy but it wasn’t. I bet she was just wondering how it felt like when before realizing it she was touching him. As soon as she noticed what she was doing she escaped the car and made a run for it.

While he just had this heart-warming scene we go to the extremely cold-hearted self centred Yi Seok who just went to look for his ex. He tells her that they have not broken up; that they are in the process of breaking up, she mustn’t be confused about these. Of course, who would get confused with that?!

Jang Doo Soo sends Hong Do the address that Yi Seok had sent him. It turns out Doo Soo and Hong Do’s place can be seen from each other just across a small river. Doo Soo really is the sweetest.

Since all the characters are bound to get mixed up in one moment or the other So Ro is now making an official complaint against Jang Doo Soo. The reason? She probably thinks he is to blame for her not getting her part in the filming. But why the complaints to the good looking cop and not the other one who actually went in first? Well, he did take her clothing or towel or whatever that was.  He calls So Ro too find out what is all about but she practically hangs up on him without explanation other than “Do it by the law!”. And while he is baffled about this, the naked running lady appears once again and our two detectives are once more on the run.

Hong Do and Yi Seok are now seriously discussing how he thinks she is responsible for all his problems in another this-doesn’t-make-any-sense moment. Now he is basically telling her that she MUST be in the office while he sees his patients. Why? I mean, just why? She isn’t responsible for anything in his life, apart from saving him from suicide! And what about the patients’ confidentiality? Agh!!!! But since this is a drama and the show must go on it seems she is gonna go with it, trying to get her own consultation in exchange.

Still he expects to just give her a discount but she says to call it even. Doing each other a favour. At that time Yi Seok is called to attend the naked lady as a psychiatrist at the police station. As he believes he can’t see his patient without Hong Do, he agrees to the deal with her. In the police station he tries to talk to the patient but is being extremely aggressive and well… a jerk. Hong Do tries to calm her down giving the naked lady a sweet that Doo Soo had previously given her but instead Yi Seok eats it. The naked lady shows response to the smell of candy and Hong Do is forced to give her the remaining one. The patient is diagnosed as just needing insulin and is dispatched but there is something else going on there… Sweet Doo Soo tries talking to Hong Do and asks her in she needs him to take her home but Yi Seok interrupts saying that they have plans as employer and employee and drags her out then pushing her to the ground and practically insulting her once more.

The next day Yi Seok actually starts helping Hong Do and prohibits her of using anything that may hide her face, including her helmet. Is his new hobby to take out her helmet by force.

Go Se Ro goes to the police department to finally face the detective who ruined her moment to shine. Detective Yang is, of course, half in love by now but her reason is so absurd that Doo Soo can’t keep a straight face. Se Ro asks for full compensation on everything that she spent that day and a sincere apology but given the fact that she is a rich kid, the cost of everything is probably the annual salary of Doo Soo.

Hong Do finishes cleaning Yi Seok’s office by herself. She asks for her consultation so he agrees to do it at the moment. He asks her how she feels and she says she feels uncomfortable at the way he looks at her because he must be thinking she looks really ugly. He agrees and this enrages Hong Do. She tells him that is her weakness not being able to face people but that he is full of weaknesses himself, in short, that he is a horrible person. The next day he calls her to come to work. She was worried that he would tell her to get lost again so her sprits go up.

On her way to meet Yi Seok she goes to Doo Soo’s place to leave him some fruit but sees how Doo Soo is meeting a girl from a blind date and they are even going to meet other family member. Tun tun tun!!!! She looks heart-broken.

Hong Do and Yi Seok go to treat the naked lady who seems to be having some more trouble. Hong Do mentions how she noticed that the naked lady has a couple ring with her mom. I think that’s gonna be important later on. The girl has spots all over her body but is not a food allergy. She also reacts uncomfortable every time her mom touches her.

It turns out the mom is a control freak who thinks she is best and she knows best and the daughter was getting suffocated by it. I’ll admit that Yi Seok is not a complete useless doctor after all.

No, Yi Seok, don’t get cocky, is not up to that extent…

So Yi Seok is feeling great and tells Hong Do that he will help her tell Doo Soo “Did You Sleep Well?” which is something that she really wishes to be able to ask him. They meet the next day in front of Doo Soo’s house and Hong Do, filled with corage takes off her helmet. At that moment Doo Soo comes out and recognizes her instantly. She starts mumbling “Did You”, “Did You”, and eventually tells him “I Like You”.

What?!! This conclude episode 3. To be honest I don’t think this really happened, she wasn’t blushing before she said “I Like You”. And his reaction to her there was too natural. I don’t know, I can’t be sure of course. Maybe my next post I will be completely embarrassed as to have made such an assumption but we’ll have to wait and see. I really like the sweet moments in this chapter and especially the car-talking scene between Hong Doo and Doo Soo. Let’s wait for tomorrow and find out what really happened!