Friday, July 10, 2015

Midnight's Girl - Episode 8 [Final Episode]

Midnight’s Girl

Episode 8 (Final Episode)

Ji Dan inspects the picture that he took with Se Ra, only Se Ra is not in the picture. He calls her mobile but she doesn’t answer. So he, naturally thinks his phone is not working properly.

Ji Dan arrived at the karaoke and loan shark Kwang Cheol is getting the place ready for close down. But, this is a drama after all, so the guy that had once was a potential buyer has come today to buy the place. So, under new management the karaoke will remain open.

For Ji Dan is like a walk down memory lane as he remember all the good times he had there. All of them with Se Ra, of course. He keeps calling her phone and suddenly someone answers.

Its Se Ra’s mom. Now Ji Dan is at the hospital.

Se Ra has been in coma for four years now. Her mobile was in a drawer, supposedly without battery, but Ji Dan’s call came in. The first one in four years.

Ji Dan remembers that he actually met Se Ra at school. While he was practicing with his guitar she was practicing magic. He approached her first. He was the one who gave her the idea of using a purple dolphin plushie instead of flowers. Yes, the very same purple dolphin plushie. She already knew of him, since he was very popular amongst girls by being a singer and all.

She always waited for him to become a singer. The person she wanted to help was Ji Dan all along.

As Ji Dan starts to leave the hospital a Code Blue is called for Se Ra’s room and we see the doctor trying to resuscitate her.

Ji Dan goes back to auditioning for music shows.

The next thing we see is a scene quite similar to the beginning so my first instinct is to think he failed again. But when he gets out of his room we hear his mom on the phone bragging about her son the superstar.

Now both his friends Kwang Cheol and Bum Goo are working with him. Kwang Cheol even got him an idol van but Ji Dan assures him that he isn’t a star yet so he won’t use the car.

Instead he walks and on his way he comes across the karaoke room. Just in front of the place he meets Se Ra and the drama ends.

Wait. Ok. For the sake of not ruining this, I will assume that they succeeded in bringing her back to life and that even after four years in coma she didn’t have brain damage and that’s why she is standing here. Because if she is a ghost, she needs to let him go. He is a living person after all. And is broad daylight.

Agh! There are so many wrong things with this final scene. They didn’t explain how she is here and, wow, so much coincidence that they are here at the same time. Fate you say? Nah.

Anyway, weak ending scene. I’m kind of pissed right now. But over all very fun, with a lot of little things that make one laugh. I’m pleasantly surprised at how good Taehyun is at acting. It was a very simple story but just perfect in its length because if it were a normal length drama they would have ruined it. I would recommend it and probably watch it again.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Midnight's Girl - Episode 7

Midnight’s Girl
Episode 7

And… kiss! That’s how we start, just were we left. But Se Ra quickly pulls back as she hears a costumer coming in. Is a soldier, alone. Just behind him enters a woman, also alone.

Both of them are heart broken and singing their hearts out thru a roller coaster of emotions.

Now, these two are spying on the costumers. Tz tz tz.

She just said that this place was the last one you visit before going to the afterlife? Whaaaat?!!

Ji Dan looks as puzzled as I am but he looks thru the window again and sees that the woman has taken a bottle of pills from her purse and is ready to chug them down. He bursts into the room and asks her to stop. Just then they hear someone singing in the hallway. Its Se Ra, surrounded by bubbles. Awkward.

Both the man and the woman stand in the hallway looking at her but they tell her that they are not in the mood for that (happy thing) she is doing. They start to go on their way but Ji Dan comes and tells them that they have a lot to live for and he starts singing. Awkward.

Well, it’s ok. I really like Taehyun’s voice anyways.

They start smiling and singing along. That’s the difference between someone that sings well. The mood goes to the extreme.

It turns out the girl wasn’t trying to commit suicide; she was taking her cold medicine. Tz tz tz. Now the costumers are out of the karaoke and decide to go eat together. Welcome to the new couple.

Ji Dan is asleep again, but is 5:00am now, so Se Ra has gone already. He finds the purple dolphin plushie she gave him by magic and suddenly had a vision of Se Ra holding it while wearing a school uniform. Like a forgotten memory.

Now we are back at the hospital and Se Ra is looking at her mom who is sleeping by the hospital bed. Se Ra is ready to leave this world.

She says goodbye to her mom and for the first time we actually see he in the hospital bed.

Ji Dan finally gets his phone back and the first thing he does is check his picture with Se Ra. But the only thing in there is he and a bright spot light next to him. Because ghosts don’t come out in pictures.

This is so good. The next one is the last episode. I’m anxious to know what happened to Se Ra. Why is she like that? And even knowing her fate she is still very happy and optimistic. Will she manage to survive? Will Ji Dan find her? Will he find her on time? So exciting! Let’s keep watching.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Midnight's Girl - Episode 6

Midnight’s Girl
Episode 6

How honest!

Jeje Se Ra wakes up and pushes Ji Dan to the floor as soon as she realizes what’s going on. He quickly tries to explain, but she brushes that off saying that what really happened is he’s fallen for her.

Ji Dan says that’s not it, but Se Ra is not really listening. She says it’s ok to take a picture and takes one with him. Just then, a costumer comes in and she casually drops Ji Dan’s phone to the ground breaking his screen.

He takes it to fix and it will take a week. Now we have to remember that ghosts don’t come out in pictures…

Ji Dan has no phone and no Internet, so he's really bored at work. Even thou he is bored, midnight comes and he is not asleep, not so much of a coincidence, Se Ra doesn’t come.

Ji Dan waits for hours only thinking of her.

Days go by and Se Ra is not back to the karaoke. He is worried she is really sick. On the positive side, people starts coming in during the day. The bad thing is some of them are asking for magic tricks but Se Ra is the one that make those.

Today, Ji Dan is back to sleeping at midnight so Se Ra comes back. He was worried about her and she is happy he cares enough to be worried.

Ji Dan tells her the place is closing down since no one wants to buy it and Se Ra tells him that she is going far away very soon anyway. That’s why she asks him to keep doing music, since she will always be cheering for him.

Is an air of goodbye and regrets of not knowing each other better, but Ji Dan tells her that it doesn’t end here and he actually goes for the kiss!

Wow, I didn’t expect two kisses so soon! Well, we are nearing the end. But is nice, really sweet and cool that they kiss each other because they feel like it and don’t regret it later. Ah, I want to know what happened to her! Keep them coming!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Midnight's Girl - Episode 5

Midnight’s Girl
Episode 5

Ji Dan is at his house getting all dressed up and gorgeous to go to work. He already fell for Se Ra.

Now he’s at work and, -oh-my-gosh-I-can’t-believe-it – he is cleaning.

His friend Bum Soo, that’s his name by the way… His friend Bum Soo, oh so nice, comes and brings him lunch and they are back at talking about Se Ra. He looks like a simpleton but it’s actually quite clever. He figures out that Se Ra is a ghost.

Ji Dan discards the idea immediately even when he saw her cross closed doors. Bum Soo wants to see a picture of Se Ra but Ji Dan doesn’t have any. Bum Soo can’t come see her during the night because he gets scolded at his house if he stays out after midnight. Quite a Cinderella.

It quickly turns into night and is 11:00pm. Ji Dan is literally counting the minutes. I guess is to see exactly when he falls asleep.

He gets a call from loan shark Kwang Cheol asking him about the costumers and tells him that if he doesn’t get to sell the place in two weeks, Ji Dan will have to pay his own debt. It seems it might be a large sum. Hmm. They hang up and Ji Dan keeps counting the minutes.

The clock marks 12 and Se Ra comes in, Ji Dan is sleeping. He asks Se Ra to change her schedule to work during the day but she tells her she has someone she needs to help during that time.

We have a flash back to a hospital, a patient in a bed, a woman crying and Se Ra in a white dress looking from the door. Is she watching herself and her mother from out of her body?

Ji Dan asks her to show him some magic tricks, so that he can lure costumers in during the day. She tries, but he is failing miserably.  

There are no costumers at the karaoke today and Se Ra fell asleep. Now is Ji Dan’s turn to watch her. He is about to take the picture Bum Soo asked for, but gets concern for Se Ra; he thinks she is sick. He moves to look closer and she turns at the same time and this happened…

I know kind of ‘oh, did I just kissed you?’ I don’t know what to think. I don’t buy it but is so cute at the same time. Jeez, I must really like this drama! Next one, let’s go!